
Astral projection and visions?

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I have the ability to astral project but recentently I have been helping people with their paranormal problem and I Had vision a friend of mine was cheating and come to find out it actualy happend I am psychic and I have the ability to read people but I don't understand why have the ability to to see thing in dreams can anybody help no negative feed back please this is serious




  1. You seemingly have ONLY the ability of deluding yourself you can astral project.

    Here is my positive feedback (because if you follow it, it will enhance the quality of your life): stop believing this garbage and get a life.

  2. Well, seems to me that you are in the right category since while this may be "science and mathematics" it also spawns to "alternative > paranormal phenomena".

    It is quite possible that you are "going astral" in your sleep and it's not so much a "future dream" as it is a "future projection" and you just happen to be getting it while you're sleeping so making it seem like a dream.

  3. pray, God is the only one with the answers you seek.

  4. Most fortune tellers are fake. but if your unlucky enough you can run into a real one, and you'll know if their real as they don't use any of the con methods. perhaps you should seek one out for advice. or It might just be deja vu. perhaps you get deja vu more often then others...

    please tell me more about how you astral project yourself. do you semi-sleep, or do you have to be in a dark room? and how do you stop yourself from being pulled back into your body when you are in a astral state?

  5. Please realize you're asking this in the Science & Mathematics category, so you should be expecting answers that are appropriate to the category. Unfortunately, you'll probably find that answers based on science will not be supportive of your claims.

    First things first. How do you know you have the ability to astral project? If you do have this ability, it should be fairly easy to test it. Have a friend set up a symbol or word or something distinguishable in a location that you astrally project to. If you can read the word or number, perhaps there's something to it. Why don't you give it a try?

    Having a dream that your friend is cheating (cheating in school, cheating on a boyfriend?) is interesting, but isn't cheating or "playing the field" rather common among the younger crowd?

    If you're uncomfortable about why you have this ability, my answer is that you really probably don't have the ability at all. I hope you can find some comfort in that.

  6. Look into remote viewing which is supposedly a scientific method of viewing or similar to astral projection. I told my father he would die of brain cancer at 80 when I was around 11 years old. He laughed at me because he said that was an old age anyway. He died in January this year and was 80 years old. I remember being part of a remote viewing project back then with the government. Now they just say I'm delusional. Whatever.

  7. I don't mean to be negative.Why should I believe you?Why would anyone?If you really do have superpowers go to this site.Win a million bucks, and I'll apologize and buy you a car.

  8. My mother was psychic,God rest her soul an my brother an I have been astral projecting for as long as I can remember.lets start with the friend......I believe in going by the rules of the gift! If they know that you have the gift to read  into things such as this, you might ask yourself why all the games and where is this going?not counting the fact that this person may want you to see whats going on for unknown reasons.I always take a step back when someone I know, trys to play with my special abilities.and you also know that dreams are  very self speaking in my life too. There like movies I can't forget,and sometimes want to speak out about.your gifts are  a blessing if you use them for the right things....I was taught that asral projection can be like a  unwanted peeker,if your doing it to check on people always have a destination of purpose.As far as the paranormal goes....until the human race can change there spirits to positive energy,physical and mental; we both have alot of work ahead!Remember with the abilities come the education.Try to get some wonderful Native Indian music to center the soul and soothe the spirit while your sleeping.take a break and remember if your exhausted things will get squirrley on you.and let your friend deal with there own self inflicted wounds! Be safe and be paitent with yourself............Just dont forget that just because you know, does'nt mean you have to react to it unless asked or someones life is at stake.even then its the greater powers call............Blessed be

  9. You say that you have abilities and i for one will not judge you or tell you i think that you are mistaken, as only you know for sure what you can and can not do. From your main question of wondering why you are able to have visions in your dreams. I do not have any abilities myself but I would think that if you have these abilities when your not dreaming that as time moves forward your abilities will grow as would the control. Would seem only natural for them to eventually drift into your dreams as well.  I honestly believe those who can expand their minds past normal limits truly have gifts.

    Good luck

  10. It's called 'confirmation bias'. We remember the 'predictions' we make that come true, by chance, and forget the many more that don't come true (this latter category outnumbers the former by many orders of magnitude)

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