
Astrolgy reading ??? help please..?

by  |  earlier

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can someone do a birth chart for me . with the houses and major aspects. dob: 4jan 1990 , time: 7:30pm, time zone : +530 GMT, place: sattankulam, tamil nadu , india.

thanks everyone in advace.




  1. Planets

    Sun 13° Capricorn (6th house)         Jupiter 4° Cancer (12 house)

    Moon 15° Aries (9th house)             Saturn 16° Capricorn (6th house)

    Mercury 23° Capricorn (6th house)   Uranus 5° Capricorn (6th house)

    Venus 5° Aquarius (7th house)        Neptune 12° Capricorn (6th house)

    Mars 12° Sagitarius (5th house)       Pluto 17° Scorpio (4th house)


    Asc 2° Leo/ Desc 2° Aquarius

    2nd / 8th 0° Virgo  / Pisces

    3rd / 9th  1° Libra / Aries

    4th / 10th 4° Scorpio / Taurus

    5th / 11th 4° Sagitarius / Gemini

    6th / 12th 3° Capricorn / Cancer


    Sun - square Moon, - conjuncts Mercury, - oppose Jupiter, - conjunct Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, - sextile Pluto

    Moon - square Mercury, -  trine Mars, - square Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

    Mercury - conjunct Saturn

    Venus - opposes the Asc

    Jupiter - oppose Uranus and Neptune

    Saturn - conjunct Neptune, - sextile Pluto

    Uranus - conjunct Neptune

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