
Astrology, what do you think?

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i picked up a book at an old 'trash and tressure' fair on astrology lol


Aries, Taurus, Gemini

-generally manifest an enthusiasm for life. Spring time people like to share what they think, create and produce, and they are, more than those from of any other seasons, in fairly constant appreciation and approval for what they do. A desire to be free, do not react well to having restriction.


leo, cancer, virgo.

-although enthusiastic, more citical then spring. less focused on projects but more into getting them into frution. summertime people need to be needed and are prepared to serve others.


libra, scorpio, saggi

less enthusiastic then summer or spring, more selective, and critical. Feelings are kept in stricker control. Yet, social urges are more maturly and fully expressed. stronger urge to take part in fulfilling relationships.


capricorn, aquarius, piscies




  1. Actually, it's not a load of c**p. Western astrology is based on the seasons, so yeah, this makes sense. That's why we still start the zodiac cycle with Aries at the spring equinox (even though the sun is really in Pisces at that time these days:-p) It's because Aries embodies those qualities which we would associate with the beginning of spring and with the beginning of new life. As you move through the zodiac each sign becomes a little more mature and evolved, until you reach Pisces, which is the most evolved, having travelled through the entire cycle, it would appear that the journey is complete, representative of the end of winter, when everything is dead or dormant

    Then you head right back to Aries, and start all over again, new life, new cycle.

  2. Hmm i somewhat agree. Although i dont consider myself critical or very selective. I'll give anyone a chance, i love everyone!

  3. summer: i don't really agree. virgo is really the servant of the zodiac, along with pisces.

    cancers like to be served themselves, and leos have too much pride to serve others.

    just my point of view.

  4. i think its a load of * really. each person is different regardless of when they were born

    im a saggi

  5. Yes of course there is a correspondence between the seasons and the sun signs! The sun signs are all about the sun's movement through the zodiac seasons.

    This is interesting info, but ultimately it is even a level more general and abstract than sign-info, so bear in mind that the scope of these descriptions of individuals is extremely broad and categorical.

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