
Astrology: Imagine this adventure, what planet would you choose take a trip too & what sign is in the planet?

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Imagine if you could actually take a trip to visit and experience for a year that one aspect and sign in your chart...what planet would you visit and what sign is in that planet?


Also in regards to the sign in that planet what are you likely to face in regards to positive and negative outlined as the sign in your planet (i copied below what was given as information in regards to the outline in my natal chart reading)?

E.g: If I could visit and experience that one aspect and sign in my planet of my chart it would be Venus. The sign in my Venus is Capricorn.

Outlined in my Venus in Capricorn it states as an overview what i would possibly face and undertake:

Loves are sincere. I'm basically attracted to those with problems, which complicates life because I takes on those people's problems. My feelings are deep, stable, solid, definite. I am not very expansive and can be melancholic. I have a tendency to hold back emotions, she is too reserved and........




  1. I will visit Neptune (my Neptune is in Capricorn). It is my chart ruler and also found in my MC. I would love to experience the planet of mysticism and imagination.

    As for Neptune in Capricorn, it is said that people born in this generation will idealize work, thrift, practical considerations and duty. However, their idealization of such practical virtues does not mean that they will be very effective in dealing with them. In fact these principles may deteriorate considerably, simply because this generation does not deal with them in their daily lives but only in their minds and dreams.

    I would love to experience all the good and the bad Neptune has to offer. I'm already experiencing this now. It has very strong effects on me. I spent most of my time daydreaming, fantasizing.. The downside for me, is not being realistic/ objective.. Since it's in my MC, I find it hard to determine definite goals in my life. Whatever it's effects, I'd still love to go there simply because I love mystery and I can't deny it's effects on me.

  2. Hello Unpredictable

    I have Neptune rising in Scorpio and Venus, Jupiter also in Scorpio.

    Would love to visit Neptune.  Is it far from here ?

    Jupiter conj. Venus / Scorpio shows passion, love of justice, feelings and emotions and strong love of occults and mysticism.

    Financially, good position and love to travel. I have strong desires but well-controlled passions.

  3. I would like to visit Jupiter.  I have a Jupiter in Capricorn.  I would like to see all the space that planet has to offer.

  4. Satrurn I think is the most attractive planet!

    My saturn is in capricorn and I have no idea what your asking.....................................

  5. Mars for me.!!!

    I'm a Leo.!!!

  6. I would try to visit my moon, because i have a scorpio moon and i think it means my emotions are deep and very mysterious. I would like to get to the core of things because sometimes i think my emotions run too deep i cant understand them, but if i could visit this planet i would be able to pull it apart and analyse why i am like this.

    I typically experience all emotions extremely, deeply and totally - ecstasy, sorrow, elation and yes, my temper, when provoked, can be explosive. To complicate matters, Scorpio Moon people regard their own emotions as a source of vulnerability and therefore i try to keep my true feelings under wraps and hold it in.

    My emotions are  very black-and-white, all-or-nothing and with an extremely fixed notions about things.

    I guess i would also like to explore it so that i can understand how to open up a little more, because i am sometimes very closed in expression emotions. Interesting question.. my sun is cancer, as aquarius

  7. Very creative question, Unpredictable...Though I'm not completely sure I know what you mean. I'll try though, haha.

    I would like to visit Pluto, because I feel that it is a small, but very power planet. Mine is in Scorpio in the 1st house, and that adds a lot of intensity to my character. Sometimes I am very extreme and obsessive with my desires, to the point where others feel intimidated. I would like to explore this deeper, and learn how to tap into this energy to achieve my desires without creating outrageous and overwhelming proclamations to those around me.

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