
Astrology and Children?

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Is it true that the 7th house has something to do with the Second Child ?

I have Sagittarius on the 7th and Neptune in this house.

So what does that mean ?




  1. Yes; the technique is called "derivative houses" in the USA and "turning the chart" in England. it works this way:

    The fifth house is your children, all of them, but particularly the first.  It refers to all of them when the astrologer is trying to determine fertility, number of children, and sometimes gender although this last is tough to determine from the natal chart.  The third house is the native's siblings.  So if the fifth is the oldest child, the third house from the fifth, the child's sibling, counting the fifth as one, the sixth as two and the seventh as three (our ancestors mostly thought in ordinal numbers not cardinal numbers), the 7th is the 3rd of the 5th and denotes the oldest child's sibling.  If there are more than two children one could carry this on and use the 9th for the third etc, but I've never found this to be of much value.

    You can use derived houses for almost anything - but don't expect much in detail.  For example let's say you have a sister and you wish to see something of her husband in your chart.  The 7th of the 3rd is the 9th, so your sister's husband is your 9th house.  Your children's children, or your grandchildren are the 5th of the 5th or the 9th as well.  You can see how you have to be careful using this and how it cannot be too detailed.

    Here is one to avoid: because the 3rd of the 3rd is the 5th and the 5th of the 5th is the 7th, some people  assume the astrologer is simply skipping houses instead of using a method that makes sense in theory.  So they say the first spouse is the 7th, the second is the 9th, etc.  This has no basis in theory.  It doesn't work that way.  Since in most cultures there is only one spouse at a time, the 7th is the spouse each time.  This makes sense as the shrinks tell us we  marry the same person over and over again only with a different personality .

    I don't use Neptune, and you didn't say where Jupiter is in your chart.  It means your second child, will tend to have Sagittarius - like characteristics more so than your first: philosophical, perhaps a little noble or possibly religious.  As a child he or she may just be more adventurous than the first. At least it will seem to you to be that way.  But each child has his or her own chart and that is where you need to look for more information.

  2. I don't know myself hope you find the answer.


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