
Astrology is sometimes spooky?

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i am not a believer in astrology but i did a free report and although i dismissed most of the points as being general, there was 1 point where it said "you are likely to develop kidney problem sometimes in your life". that is true about me, i do have kidney problem and i cant think of a way that someone could have guessed that. i mean there are a lot of diseases people could have and a lot of people out there. was it a lucky guess or is my life really controlled by planets and stars? how could they have known that?




  1. "An infinite number of monkeys at an infinite number of typewriters will eventually produce an infinite amount of gibberish."

    "Kidney problems" covers an extraordinary amount of very, very common medical issues. Would you have been as shocked had it said "cancer"? Would you have immediately rushed to the doctor and demanded a bone marrow biopsy and a spinal tap?

    If you're curious, I'd recommend further research. See 3-4 different astrologers of different ages, races, etc. and obtain (free) charts from each (please don't pay them, you'll just be encouraging them). You'll be "amazed" (or not) to discover that each will give you a "reading" that varies wildly on many points.

    It was indeed a guess - though it was not "lucky." When one produces a large enough number of these "reports," one is guaranteed to get a number of "spooky" hits, but you're likely to get a much larger number of misses. No one discusses the misses, however.

    If one sits the aforementioned monkeys down and they produce gibberish, no one is interested - but if those same monkeys produce a few words of english, it becomes "amazing."

  2. All that means is that you had aspects to planets in Libra, or aspects to Venus, either in the 6th house aspecting your ascendant or ruler or venus or planets in Libra.   Nothing spooky about it.

  3. I think that it was more of a lucky shot, but then again who knows as you say some things are weird.!!!

  4. Vedic astrology can spot the rest of things with deadly accuracy.Go to a proper Astrologer( if your astrologer is a faker I'm not responsible for that)

    Before few years my grandma took me to an 85 year old experienced astrologer in Chidambaram, India.People consider him as "GURU" of astrology. As a kid I had lots of curiosity about the subject. I asked him to tell me about my past life,my family background  and mental tendencies.Based on the mercury position he said I am good at math.Yes I am a gold medalist in math. I had a centum in my board exam too.He pin pointed the other issues also with  incredible accuracy. I wrote down everything in my notebook & came back.Then I got online natal charts from various websites with explanations.I  checked the Vedic chart and the online astrological chart for similarities.Unfortunately I couldn't find any.But the astrologer had told me nothing but the truth.After a series of experiments I found the former to be genuine and the latter to be very general.

    Have you ever gone through the predictions of Nostradamus.

  5. i believe that things like the horoscopes in the papers and stuff are too generalized to be believed. but if someone actually saw the date and time of ur birth and they were a proper astrologer they may be able to make some pretty accurate reading.

  6. Kidney problems are very common. Very easy to treat, as well. My dad has severe kidney problems and nowhere in his chart does it say so... although his chart clearly tells about repeated accidental foot injuries. Why they're always on the same foot, is beyond me, but they are...

    Look, you give no context into how the report suggested you could have kidney problems somewhere in your life ~ nor does it specify *where* in your life you would get kidney problems. A decent report should tell you which aspect/position/general placement leads the report writer (if it's not computer-generated) to suspect you have kidney problems.

    I've studied Astrology for quite some time, and true enough I've encountered loads of people who don't believe in it, even after you give them a report. There are a few reasons for that; one is because people have a hard time accepting themselves, even when they like to believe they don't. They live their lives pretending they're something while all the time, other people see them as something else. Give someone else your report and ask them if they think it mirrors you. If not, the report is bad. Another reason is that people seem to forget that *natal* chart reports are reports based on your personality *at birth*. Environmental influences that do not show in your chart (after all, it is your chart, and not the chart of you and the entire world around you) can cause you to learn to behave differently, or simply force you to. That isn't traceable unless you're perfectly honest about your upbringing. And that's where the mind comes into play. We have a hard time collecting and storing every single memory of our lives effectively. Cuts have to be made in our minds, which causes gaps to appear in our memories... we fill them up with invented memories. So more often than not, what we think are memories, are just our minds filling them up with *current* information. So when a report says something about your past and you think "I haven't done that in my past; I did it differently", it may, or may not be your actual memory.

    Of course, that's a lot to consider when writing - and reading - a report. A lot of people react like you did; they simply dismiss points because they don't remember it being like that or they don't want to believe they are like that. So all I can say is; first of all, thow that computer generated report away. Computers are limited, so are the reports generated by them. Go to a real astrologer and see if they come up with the same thing, and most importantly: ask them how they came up with their points, regardless of how little you know about astrology.

    Secondly; you are the only one who can tell the truth about yourself. It's human nature to try and hide your bad qualities and exaggerate your good qualities, even invent some depending on how your personality is. Now if you have a good astrologer who also knows a thing or two about psychology, they should be able to get that response out of your chart, if not they will only read your personality as it was on the day you were born.

  7. If you don't believe in astrology just stay away from it. If you find it spooky then don't take any online reports.Don't vacillate in the middle.

    If you really wanna give it a shot go to an experienced astrologer.Online astrological reports are loads of bullshit.Unfortunately there are very few people in the world who genuinely know astrology.95% of the astrologers are fake who are are here just to make money.Besides this they are earning a disgrace for astrology.Even in India (the birthplace of Astrology) there are only very few genuine ones

  8. i assume that it revolved the sign Libra which rules the kidneys.

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