
Astrology views: When you are in you first few weeks to months of dating someone, do you put them through...!?

by  |  earlier

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....examinations - i.e play hard to get, do the good and bad to test if they are true to you, trial there patience with you etc. for your benefits and protection before falling deeply emotional for them?


What is your signs i.e sun, moon, venus and mars signs?




  1. no, i am a social person, and i open up quick to people i like, or give me a good vibe, im very stubborn, so i only date people i am interested in from jump, all i have to do is talk to the person and ask questions to know if i need to take this further, after about 2 dates i know what i need to know about the person, i also ask friends who know the persons also

    sun/rising leo

    moon aries

    mars in scorpio

  2. Nope. Because it's just beating around the bush and nine times out of ten it's bound to frustrate him. Guys' minds work differently than girls...completely different. I would find it unnecessary to do all of that and wind up causing drama that shouldn't have started in the first place. I only bring something up with the potentiality of him getting frustrated if it's necessary, like if I were to see him with another female, or he lied to me...I'm not going to put my man through all of that h**l for no reason.

    My sun is a scorpio, moon is Libra, my venus is Libra. Mars is in Aries (ew). I would have to say that my mars being in aries is about the only thing of my zodiac that is inaccurate. no WAY am i like an aries in the significance of the mars sign. Any of my exes will verify that. *wink*

  3. When i'm dating someone, I'm not usually close. Meaning I can get very cold, I ignore them, try to feel them out. I'm very cautious with who I date. I tend to watch their move, explore their minds. Try to see if they are right for me. I don't open up in the begining unless I feel a good connection.

  4. hmmm....I almost always know the person I date for a good while before I even consider dating them! They usually go through these trials on their own while I observe from a safe distance! If I feel they handle themselves well then I will consider dating them....I do not play games...though i do tend to push them away at some point if I am feeling a bit claustrophobic....

    Sorry - forgot - LOL! ;)

    Sun - Sag

    Moon - Scorpio

    Venus - Aquarius

    Mars - Sag

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