
Astronomy, physics and crop circles?

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Do you believe crop circles are just a meaningless hoax?

Do you think it's possible some of them are something entirely different?

There's been a series of posts on a Yahoo group offering up an alternative viewpoint with a lot of images in one of the photo albums recently.

Crop circles and celestial events

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Feel free to join, read the recent posts on the subject, look over the photo album and offer some thoughts.

I haven't been guilty of having an open mind about crop circles. Have you?




  1. My usual answer, I don't know. However I do have an open mind on the subject. I think it is quite possible that we are visited by aliens from a different planet or demention.

  2. The more I think about it, the more absurd the idea of crop circles becomes to me. Why would aliens have the urge to make these designs? Certainly there are far better ways of communicating. It is often suggested that these crop circles are navigation aids for UFOs, but if they could travel hundred or thousands of light years through deep space to visit us, certainly they're not going to need wheat stalks to find their way around once they are here.

    Meanwhile, it's been demonstrated quite a bit how easy it is to make quite complicated designs with a few helping hands, boards & rope, and a good plan. I can understand the attraction that these underground circle-making groups might have for this kind of activity. It certainly generates a lot of interest.

    While its within the realm of possibility that a visiting alien might make a design in a wheat field, and I don't deny that possibility, I don't see a need to resort to this alien explanation when we already have a ready, natural explanation for it that is far more likely. So at the present I am not compelled to believe that any crop circles are of alien origin when it's so easy for humans to create them.

    EDIT: Hi Jack, you didn't read carefully. Contrary to your reply, I didn't "second guess", and I didn't tell you what was true or not. It's peculiar you say that I did. I did tell you what and why I think concerning crop circles, which is all I or anyone can do. And I already took plenty of time, and continue to take time, to learn all there can be known about the crop circle phenomenon. Just because we don't agree doesn't mean you should manufacture slurs about me to feel better about yourself. I think we can be more civil than that.

  3. just visit area51 topics, get the answers there

  4. A reason for Crop Circles: The consciousness of Mother Gaia is communicating with us....Humans are nodes for what the planet experiences - think of it like us being antennas and whatever we experience, the earth experiences....As more humans are awakening to a higher level of consciousness, the more advanced her crop circle designs become. In 1967, crop circles advanced from one, to two with more elaborate designs. In the 60's, the drug LSD became more widely used - humans were literally expanding their minds - reaching higher states of thinking. See the connection?

    *We are connected to her as much as she is connected to us...We a made from her elements - born from her womb...Why is it so impossible to think as this being the answer?

    Edit: Your very welcome.

  5. Whenever I have stepped into a crop circle or even looked at a picture of one I have felt an energy wave of a frequency that I've never encountered before. The vibrational frequency impacts both my Muladhara and Sahasrara chakras and seems to expand my consciousness into the 4th dimension. I think this extra 4th dimension is how the aliens travel to our planet. Of course this is all beyond the current knowledge of our closed-minded scientists. Why do they refuse to study this?

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