
Astronomy Crossword.?

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1. The amount taken for the earth to orbit the sun.

2. A small planet or moon in orbit around a larger planet, or an artificial spacecraft in orbit.

6.Amount of time taken for 1 rotation of earth.

7.The distance traveled by light in one year,

8. A hot mass in psace which radiates its own light and heat eg: the sun.

9.The whole of space and all matter it contains.

11. the coldest planet.


3. Our system of the sun and 9 planets.

4. An imaginary line which runs through the middle of the earth around which the earth rotates.

5. A layer of gas around the earth and some other planets.

10. The largest planet.




  1. DOWN

    1. year

    2. satellite

    6. 24 hours


    8. star


    11. pluto/neptune


    3. solar system

    4. orbit


    10. jupiter


  2. Year, Satellite, Day, Light Year, Star, Universe or Cosmos, ???, Solar System, Axis, Atmosphere, Jupiter

    The coldest planet depends on whether they count Pluto or consider Neptune to be the last planet.

  3. down

    1. year

    2. satellite

    6. day

    7. light year

    8. star

    9. universe

    11. pluto  [3 across tells me it's a old crossword puzzle]


    3. solar system



    10. jupiter

  4. 10= jupiter.

    3=solar system


    1=either day or year

    6=either day or year

  5. 1.  year

    2.  satellite

    6.  day

    7.  light year

    8.  star

    9.  universe

    11.  neptune???  (pluto if it's outdated)

    3.  solar system

    4. axis

    5.  atmosphere

    10.  jupiter

  6. You haven't said how many letter each one is? Also 1.D the amount? Amount of what time?

  7. Down

    1. year

    2. satellite

    6. day

    7. light year

    8. star

    9. universe

    11. Neptune


    3. solar system

    4. axis

    5. atmosphere

    10. Jupiter

  8. 1.  year

    2.  satellite

    3.  solar system

    4.  axis

    5.  atmosphere

    6.  day

    7.  light-year

    8.  star

    9.  universe

    10. Jupiter


    3. SOLAR system

    4. EQUATOR


    10. JUPITER

    Not sure if I'm right though. Hope that helps!

  10. DOWN

    1. The amount taken for the earth to orbit the sun. YEAR

    2. A small planet or moon in orbit around a larger planet, or an artificial spacecraft in orbit. SATELLITE

    6.Amount of time taken for 1 rotation of earth.DAY

    7.The distance traveled by light in one year, LIGHT YEAR

    8. A hot mass in psace which radiates its own light and heat eg: the sun. STAR

    9.The whole of space and all matter it contains. UNIVERSE

    11. the coldest planet. PLUTO


    3. Our system of the sun and 9 planets. SOLAR

    4. An imaginary line which runs through the middle of the earth around which the earth rotates. AXIS

    5. A layer of gas around the earth and some other planets. ATMOSPHERE

    10. The largest planet. JUPITER

  11. 1. a year, or 365 day's

    2. satalite

    6.a day, or 24 hours

    7. a light year or 9,460,000,000,000 km

    8. star

    9. universe? more specific

    11. well mercury's dark side is almost as cold as pluto. pluto is no longer a planet. or neptune....

    3. solar system

    4. axis

    5. atmosphere

    10. jupitar
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