
Astronomy- What does it mean when a star dies?

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Astronomy- What does it mean when a star dies?




  1. someone has to send flowers.

  2. An evolved, average-size star will now shed its outer layers as a planetary nebula. If what remains after the outer atmosphere has been shed is less than 1.4 solar masses, it shrinks to a relatively tiny object (about the size of Earth) that is not massive enough for further compression to take place, known as a white dwarf. The electron-degenerate matter inside a white dwarf is no longer a plasma, even though stars are generally referred to as being spheres of plasma. White dwarfs will eventually fade into black dwarfs over a very long stretch of time.

    The Crab Nebula, remnants of a supernova that was first observed around 1050 ADIn larger stars, fusion continues until the iron core has grown so large (more than 1.4 solar masses) that it can no longer support its own mass. This core will suddenly collapse as its electrons are driven into its protons, forming neutrons and neutrinos in a burst of inverse beta decay, or electron capture. The shockwave formed by this sudden collapse causes the rest of the star to explode in a supernova. Supernovae are so bright that they may briefly outshine the star's entire home galaxy. When they occur within the Milky Way, supernovae have historically been observed by naked-eye observers as "new stars" where none existed before.

    Most of the matter in the star is blown away by the supernovae explosion (forming nebulae such as the Crab Nebula[43]) and what remains will be a neutron star (which sometimes manifests itself as a pulsar or X-ray burster) or, in the case of the largest stars (large enough to leave a stellar remnant greater than roughly 4 solar masses), a black hole. In a neutron star the matter is in a state known as neutron-degenerate matter, with a more exotic form of degenerate matter, QCD matter, possibly present in the core. Within a black hole the matter is in a state that is not currently understood.

    The blown-off outer layers of dying stars include heavy elements which may be recycled during new star formation. These heavy elements allow the formation of rocky planets. The outflow from supernovae and the stellar wind of large stars play an important part in shaping the interstellar medium

  3. The brightness reduce

  4. It has used all it's fuel and it will either turn into a black hole or a neutron star. Same goes for the Sun.

  5. Whatever kind of star you mean, it's sad !

  6. A supernova!

  7. Stars expand as they grow old. As their core runs out of hydrogen and then helium, the core contacts and the outer layers expand, cool, and become less bright. This is a red giant or a red super giant (depending on the initial mass of the star). It will eventually collapse and explode. A star's life span and eventual fate are determined by the original mass of the star.

  8. a star is first created with only a certain amount of hydrogen, at the beginning of its life hydrogen makes up the majority of the star, with helium coming in next.

    a star's energy comes from gravity forcing four hydrogen atoms together forming one helium atom and a bit of excess energy, this excess is released and is what causes a star to shine.

    if the star is small (smaller than our sun) it will burn like this for many billions of years, eventually it will use up the hydrogen but it won't have enough mass to "burn" anything heavier than hydrogen so its remaining heat will dissipate and it will simply end up being a cold dead star.

    if its about the size of the sun its fate will be somewhat flashier. as it nears the end of its life  it collapses enough to start burning heavier elements, creating carbon, this collapse and reheating causes the stars outer layers to puff of, creating a beautiful "planetary" nebula. what remains of the star eventually collapses further into a white dwarf, a star about the size of earth that weighs as much as the sun. in this state it will radiate heat away for many billions of years before eventually cooling into a black sphere.

    if the star is heavier than the sun by a substantial amount, then its life will be very short, it will burn extremely hot using up its hydrogen quickly and then burning heavier and heavier elements until it reaches iron, trying to fuse iron takes more energy than it releases. so the star actually collapses but this sudden rush of pressure actually causes a massive release of energy that was call a supernova (or at least one type of supernova).

    what is left after a supernova depends on how much is left. sometimes nothing is, other times there might be a white dwarf left. if the remains are heavy enough it could become a neutron star or pulsar, or even a black hole.

    hope this helps if not feel free to message me again and i can attempt to clarify.

  9. one important person has died.

  10. When a star dies, that means that the energy fueling it ran out.

    As a star begins to lose its energy, the core will puff out and grow bigger... some bigger and massive stars explode to a supernova or become a black hole..

    a star dying means that its running out of its natural fuel, which is mainly hydrogen...

    the core is where it is located... (the energy) and the heat mostly come from the core...


  11. When a star dies, it basically mean it fails or ceases to be. After all, a star is just some other place's sun. This can happen in a variety of ways, such as nuclear instability and implosion, etc. Since stars are lightyears away, a star might die, but we'll still receive the light from it long after it's gone.

  12. A star "dies" when it permanently ceases to have fusion reactions.

    This begins to happen as the star runs out of hydrogen. Massive stars can continue to fuse heavier elements but once Iron is created it will stop putting out energy because reactions involving iron actually take energy.

    The mass of the star will determine it's final "death".

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