
At 14 months what is the usual language development for a baby? When do they start small sentences?

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How many words? When do they start putting words together to make small sentences? What other language developments should they have or other learning development levels should they have reached at 14 months?




  1. wow.. my 13 month old can only say "mama - dada - light (sounds like "blight") and that's it!  He constantly talks in his own language but we have no clue what he is trying to say.  I speak to him constantly, and we watch many educational programs together, read to him all the time, so I hope I'm on the right track.. now I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

  2. My daughter is extremely advanced in verbal skills, and I don't think she could put sentences together at 14 months. At 17 months she started using small sentences, and at 18 months she was speaking in paragraphs (practically). But again, that has been her strongest skill, speaking. At four years she speaks like a professor.

    We were still using a lot of sign language at 14 months. At any stage, if you're worried about development, talk to your doctor. If you child is already using small sentences, then go ahead and do a proud-mommy dance. Continue to speak to her about everything, describing the world around her, narrating what you're doing in your daily life. You've probably been doing that, so keep up the good work.

    It's so hard not to pay attention to the books, but try to enjoy your child's pace, whatever it may be.  

  3. by 18 months they should be saying about 24 words and starting to put 2 words together. If your child is not doing this by 18 months, you can worry then. At any time you can call early intervention and ask them to do a developmental screen on any child under the age of 3. This is a free service and if the child has a delay, the therapy is free too.

  4. my little boy who is 7 now and my little girl who is 6 now started putting small words together to make small sentences when they were both 12-13 mths and now i have a 2mth that will probably start around the time they did but all babies are different some knows how to get themselves dressed and so on

  5. they say by the age of two children should be saying things like "more milk" basically two word sentence are normal

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