
At 14 years old, how long of a golf course should i be playing??

by  |  earlier

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  1. depends on how good u r

  2. The distance of a course doesn't really matter at 14 you should be able to hit a decent drive of 180-240 and that should leave you close enough to the hole to hit it with a long iron or wood, if it is a par 4, but at 14 you should work on your short game (100 yards and in, especially chipping and putting) short game is the key to success even if you cant hit the ball to far. Look at Rocco Mediate at the U.S. Open. He hit the ball an average of 260 yards but played consistently and played a short game and nearly won.

  3. You should stick to chip and putt, champ.

  4. It totally depends on your skill level. If you can play a 6500 yard course and have fun and not get too frusterated, go for it. I think that the average 14 year old would probably be more comfortable on a 5800-6100 yard course. That is just my opinion and by no means am i saying that you shouldnt try a harder course. Just dont get to frusturated and give up on the game. It is something you will love for the rest of your life. Best of luck. Hit 'em well.

  5. depends on your skill level, you always should be challenging yourself.  Your tee shot should be going around 2/3 of the distance of the hole, if you're going further, play the back tees.  If you're not getting there, move up a tee box, don't be afraid to use the forward tees.

  6. A good barometer of the length of course you should play is to take how far you hit your 5 iron and multiply that by 35.  I hit my average 5 iron 180 yards so when I play a course I play the tees that are closest to 6300 yards.

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