
At 23, can a High School drop out get his diploma?

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My boyfriend dropped out of High School in his senior year, 2 months before he was done (yes, i know, i hit him in the head for it). He really wants to finish AND GET HIS DIPLOMA.. is it too late? Should he just go for GED? He is 23 years old now..




  1. i think it's doubtful. he should just contact his old HS and ask them there. more than likely, they'll refer him to a GED program.

    kudos to him for wanting to finish up!

  2. i think he can stil get it. but he should have finished it. education is must. age does not matter.. i know a person who is 40 yrs old and hes in 10th grade.

  3. He should go get his GED and be proud of it!

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