
At 3 foot from object ball cant get but 3 foot draw help!?

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At 3 foot from object ball cant get but 3 foot draw help!?




  1. If we are talking about an actual pool shot and not some virtual game......keep your cue's but level and stroke just below the center of the cue ball.....then make sure that you follow thru and not "jab" at the cue ball...also I have found that you need to hold the cue stick lightly.....and stroke with a medium stroke.....put an object ball on the opposite line with the corner pocket and the cue ball at the opposite head string area in diagonally in line with the opposite corner the shot like I asked and do this until you can draw the cue ball back to the opposite(your side) corner pocket and scratch....if you are drawing it straight back you are what I would call a "medium stroke".....if you are not and coming back crooked you are shooting too hard!!......once you start to draw it straight back you have the speed work on the follow thru.....your cue stick's tip should be following thru all the way to the middle pocket......"follow thru" and you will be able to really get it back.....then from there you can adjust the distance that you want to come back......."keep your butt down(cue stick's butt!!!!) and hit the cue just below center and then follow thru".......good luck on the tour!!!!

  2. Tip and half bottom eng level stick lots of followthrough med-hard stroke practice you will get it

  3. As Johnny H says folow through is important. Also a level stick is important. Try a much shorter stroke and  a quicker stroke, sort of snap your wrist during stroke. Good clean cloth and balls create an amazing difference.

  4. You may not be hitting as low on the ball as you think you are (or perhaps you need to hit harder)...try using one of those cueballs with a red triangle and setting it up so the triangle is what you're aiming for, chalk up really well, hit it, and look at the cue ball to see if you hit where you were aiming.  Might help, but really could be any number of stroke issues.  Try an instructor if this doesn't help.

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