
At 3:00am when that phone rings, will Obama's only reply be "present"?

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At 3:00am when that phone rings, will Obama's only reply be "present"?




  1. No, he will pass it to Michelle, and go look for his grandmother.

  2. Yes. And then he would hang up.

  3. It might be above his pay grade to answer the problem.

    Ahhhhh....  let me see what my teleprompter says.

  4. McCain would be sleeping and the pit bull will be eating

  5. You stole this from last night speech?  Can't you come up with

    anything on your own?

  6. This is not very original of you. Are you assuming that Obama will be in the White House? I do too, and I have no idea what he will say after being woke up by an aide and briefed on the problem, whatever it is.

  7. You do know McCain has 60+ more 'present votes' than does Obama in the same time period??? McCain also holds the title for most absent person in congress.

  8. "Mother, moose hunter..."lol! ROTFLMAO

    REDNECK ANIMAL KILLER! What a funny intro that was.

    Obama/Biden '08

  9. McCain's hearing aid would be on the nightstand.  He wouldn't hear the phone ring.

  10. He will let it go to the machine.

  11. That'd be better than some cranky old man saying /" Bomb em I'm too tired to deal with it "

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