
At 33 weeks pregnant or around that, has anyone notices that when sleeping ....?

by  |  earlier

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they are producing more spit/mucous from their mouth...sorry if this is kind of a gross question...thanks for your answers......oh and i do drink loads of water and always have some by the bedside too. thanks again!!




  1. Not gross at all...I really do notice that I drool more in my sleep and I am 32 and a half weeks

  2. i haven't. i actually wake up in the middle of the night thirsty, i always have been that way. the only time during pregnancy that i had excess salivation is in my first trimester.

  3. well i actually have a dry mouth and always have a glass of water by my bedside but my mom told me when she was pregnant she had a cup to spit in at night which was very annoying and on one of my doc visits i seen this women with a cup and she was spitting in it.

  4. I read in a pamphlet in my doc office that you create more saliva when you are preg. I have.

  5. I've had problems with spit since 8 weeks pregnant, and I'm 30 now.  It's so annoying.

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