
At 46 can i still find love?

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is there still love or i should say "good men" left? i'm afraid i've gotten too old




  1. Love is a possibility for anyone, at any age, at any time of their life. You just have to stay positive and keep looking.

  2. Lots of stupid women dropping perfectly good men around everywhere these days.

    I'd say your odds have never been better.

  3. I wouldnt mind dating you if you woudnt mind being 20 years older than me...

    answer mine pls!;...

  4. You can find love at any age. Don't try so hard. Love will come when it is ready. Didn't the Supremes say it right? You can't hurry love, oh you just have to wait. Anyway...if you are trying to hurry it, the only thing you are looking is...desperate. No one wants a desperate person as a mate. Take your time. Find someone who suits you. Don't get involved with someone just to avoid being alone. The only thing that does is waste your time and 99.9 out of a 100 times will end up badly. Besides, if your so busy trying to make something work, you might be missing something that DOES work. I was 48 when I met someone. Oh yes, there ARE people of every age that are single, and some of them are actually good.

  5. if your ti.ts dont sag you can still have a one night stand, if they do, never fear , you can train your alsation to mount you

  6. Of course you can still find love and a good men.  Please know even at a older age you still have to teach or train your man....If you are willing to do that there is plenty of good men for you.  Try some of the dating sites....even if you do not find love, you will have fun looking

  7. You can find love at any age. I just got married for the second time at the age of 40. I'd been divorced for 13 years and I thought I would never find anyone again. Don't ever give up. I did and he found me. Good Luck! The right one is out there, no matter what the age.

  8. Yes I hooked my mother up with this man that I met at a Office Building. She is now 48 and the thing is. She was in your boat. Get rid of the ideals that you have about meeting men in certain places. You could meet your soul mate at a gas station, laundry matt or where ever. This is where I met my man a gas station. There are great men left out here. I also suggest going online I have met some great guys and some weirdos. Get a few profiles for instance Plenty of Fish is great. Also write down what the most important attributes are that you are looking for. Also if you are out of shape start exercising I have a elliptical machine and I am slimming down. I am 28 by the way. Remember there is no such thing as a Good man just attributes in one that you don't want. My criteria includes. Hardworking,  God Fearing and The desire to want to impress me. If you have these three he is a sure fire winner!

  9. Absolutely not! You can find love at any age. My neighbor's grandmother is in her 70's or 80's and she has a boyfriend. You're never ever too old to find love. You may have to put yourself out there though. Make it clear that you are single. Go to a bar or something and scope out the cuties!! Have fun and good luck

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