
At 46 can you become a web designer?

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I got fired from my hotel job. I was wondering if at 46 I could get into the IT biz? Any suggestions? Thank you




  1. Download Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 (30 day free trial) - - get a book from Amazon about it and have a play around. If you seem to take to it, consider some formal training courses and take it from there. Good luck with it!

    Also try Adbode Fireworks CS3 for creating graphics for web sites.

  2. I don't see why not. If you fit the requirements sure.  

  3. there are loads of tutorials on the net for learning more html etc. you could set up an online portfolio / advertise yourself online to get work.

    if you're not good at design, you can work with a designer who will give you a design which you then have to build in html for them.

  4. dear roland ..u can do ne thing at ne age if u donot lose touch with the present trends..there r sum differences among 46 yr olds and 26 yr olds all rite but not much

    age isnt a big deal

    abt ur specific ques..i dont think one can enter IT esp webdesign and be successful unless one gets trained

    so get trained first..plenty of freelance web jobs available

  5. Guess you'll have to decide what it is your REALLY want. You have another question here about becoming a DBA.

    Take a few classes at a local 2 yr college. If you take a web design course and a database course then you can decide what it is you like to do.

  6. if you have the right qualifications there should be no problem

  7. The more you study it and make a portfolio showing what you can do, the better chances you have.

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