
At 5 " 5 Is 10 And A Half Stone Overweight ?

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  1. not really, but really close to being overweight.  You should probably lose ten pounds.

  2. Well im 5"3 and 8 and a half stone so id say yes

  3. If you gain three more pounds you will be considered overweight, according to the bmi (Body mass index) chart. However, the problem with bmi charts is that they don't take into account whether you have dense bones and tons of muscle vs. extra fat. ( If you were to plug in a person like Arnold Shwarzenegger or Vin Diesel they would be considered obese). In the end you should just remember that if you gain weight no one is going to post a sign to your head and say "oh that person is technically overweight". The important thing is that you stay healthy by exercising and eating a well balanced diet. (It's obvious but it's true).  

  4. The weight for your height is classed on the BMI chart as being healthy, but almost overweight. However the chart isnt based on people who are muscly. If you are worried about your weight i would suggest cutting back on what you eat and gradually try to eat more healthy. If you go from eating unhealthily to extremely healthy the next day it can lead to problems such as diarrhea. Also, do some more excerise. Swimming is good as you can build it up in your own time and dont have to worry about compitition. It also tones up the body. Hope this helps!  

  5. A healthy weight for your height is between:

    115 - 140 pounds


    8 stone 2 pounds - 10 stone

    So you might be a bit overweight, but only a bit.  If you lost half a stone or a stone, that would be perfect.

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