
At 66, do you think Biden is to old to be VP?

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Anon Y - You'll understand the point of the question in about an hour or two. Maybe.




  1. With his sharp mind and REAL experience (he was in senate long before McSame) he is a perfect choice for VP. Much better than grumpy crazy idiot Cheney.

  2. LOL! To quote the left,another pasty face white senile insider.

  3. No, because at 66 joe is a helluva lt younger and less senile than 72 year old john "how many homes do I own? I don't know!' mccain.

  4. if this is true then John Mccain is too old to be President!

  5. yes.

  6. Oh, the irony!

    Yes, anyone who is 66 is too old to be VP.  After all, we wouldn't want a person that old to become President, would we?

  7. Since 6 years younger than Grandma Munster, I mean McCain.  I do not see Biden having the same problems with memory, cancer, and the like as McCain seems to be having.

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