
At Best Buy, do you pick your own hours and schedule and how many days a week you work. And whats starting pay

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At Best Buy, do you pick your own hours and schedule and how many days a week you work. And whats starting pay




  1. umm not exactly. they only have certain spaces open for jobs. and you get to chose which one you would like..if they even have a selection.

    you get to chose things to a point, but its not all in your control.

  2. You always provide an employer with your general weekly availability.  They will schedule you withing your available times.  Don't expect them to cater to you.

    Probably starts at minimum wage.

  3. Of course NOT!

    Best Buy will choose your schedule and pay, and if you agree you work there, if not then no. Maybe if you are part time and like go to school or something, they might work around your schedule somewhat, but you do not get to pick your starting pay.

  4. You can tell the scheduler when you are available, but THEY will do the scheduling, not you.  And if your availability is too limited they'll just drop you from the schedule.

  5. uh why not call and ask 1800-free-411

  6. No matter what place of employment you are employed at management picks your hours and how many days a week you work usually in retail starting pay is minimum wage.  

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