
At Christmas if a round of drinks were on me, what would you be having?

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At Christmas if a round of drinks were on me, what would you be having?




  1. Coffee and brandy, or a good pint of stout (I must respect me scouser granddad!)

  2. A good old Christmas Ale - Rosey Nosey probably! So, when's the party?

  3. champagne or red wine.

  4. Vodka and coke please, can I change my mind nearer the time, I might fancy a G & T by then!

  5. an glass of water as i have to work on boxind day :(

  6. egg nog  

  7. Do you only buy a round of drinks at Christmas?? I'll have a Bacardi and Coke please.

  8. Long Island Iced Tea, its obligatory at our Christmas do to have cocktails.

  9. If I was driving then just a Coke. If I wasn't driving then a pint of Foster's or something similar, thank you very much.  

  10. stella

  11. i don't know you, and i would be probably be a little aprehensive to let you buy me a drink! but then when i notice you buying the rest of the bar a drink i might let you buy me something festive, like a sherry or an advocaat- my nan has em, are they nice?

  12. Jack Daniels and coke. Cheers.x

  13. mine would be a pint of stella

  14. A glass of orange since I don't drink  

  15. Champagne all around lol

    But i love Asti Spermante, then i'd have a martini and lemonade then a budwiser and a few shots to top off the evening, then i'd pull my top off and start snogging ya for all the free drinks cheers pal hehe

  16. Makers Mark on the rocks

    or a

    makers and coke

    or a budweiser lol

    as long as its not vodka, fruity, or eggnog im happy

  17. chilled vodka shot with a coke back please

  18. Just a diet coke, with no lemon this time. I like to drive.

  19. A bucket full of Peach Schnapps, hold the ice. Ta, so very much!

  20. A Laugh!!!  You never buy a round. You always wait until last then say you have forgotten your money.

  21. a pint of guinness for me please

  22. A good time !

  23. If there was a good barman who knew his stuff I would push the boat out and have a large whiskey sour, macadamia nuts to munch and we would be in the 80th floor bar of the Swissotel in Singapore just as the sun is going down. On a good day you can see Indonesia.

  24. hot chocolate with marshmellows!!!!!!  (I'm preggers)  LOL!

  25. I don't drink alcohol and I am very sweet so don't need sugar either so a diet coke for me please and thank you.  

  26. Malibu & diet coke..  :P

  27. Just a sip of Sangria, to say cheers!  Please have Diet Pepsi on hand too, as that's my preferred drink.  

  28. A shooter of tequila which I'd like to l**k out of your navel--yyuuummmmmy.

  29. cuppa tea

  30. A drop of poteen please mate.

  31. A Shirley Temple!

    Sweet, bubbly, non-alchoholic goodness!

    (i'm not legally old enough to drink)

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