
At Romans 12:20, What Is Meant By....?

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... "heaping burning coals on his head"?

a) The burning coals here picturing the way heat is used to refine impure ores and in the end a pure form of the metal remains (i.e melting down your enemy's hard heart)


b) The burning coals here picturing the pain of his frustration over not being able to make you stoop to his level?

a) or b) ?


Romans 12:19,20

Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"says the Lord. On the contrary:

"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;

if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." (NIV)





  1. Without studying the scripture, I would hazard a guess that the answer is "A". Our human concept of revenge is to get even with someone, to hurt them the way they have hurt us. That is not God's way, so He says to leave the "wrath" to Him. God will be capable of working with the hard hearted. Perhaps some just need to be "refined with fire" as He says in Zech. 13:9. Thanks for sharing!

  2. By being kind to those who are not kind to you just burns them up.  

  3. C) you do not harm your walk with God.

    D) all the above.

  4. burning coals of fire of judgment upon his head.

    God will heap coals of fire of judgment upon their head.

    You are doing good your enemy is doing evil.

    By doing good to your enemy you will bring the judgment of God upon him for doing evil.

  5. It's showing your Christian personality to everyone no matter the persecution you receive from them...and they will eventually be paid back by Jehovah.

  6. Taking vengeance on an enemy would likely harden his spirit, but treating him with kindness may soften his heart. Note Paul’s words to the Christians in Rome. He says:

    “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals upon his head.” Romans 12:20

    To “heap fiery coals upon his head” is a figure of speech drawn from the method of smelting metals in Bible times. Ore was put into a furnace, and a layer of coals was put not only underneath the ore but also on top of it. Fiery coals heaped on top increased the heat so that the hard metal melted and separated from the impurities in the ore. Similarly, by doing kind deeds to an opposer, we may “melt” his hardness and bring out his better qualities. (2 Kings 6:14-23) In fact, numerous members of the Christian congregation were first attracted to true worship by the kind deeds that Jehovah’s servants performed in their behalf.

    x x x

  7. A

  8. I actually heaped burning coals on someone's head the other left him with 3rd degree burns and no one will ever recognize him again!!!!!!

  9. "heap burning coals in his head" so he can carry burning coals to his house and to keeps his house warms so that his family will survive. It means he owe good deeds that will change his behaviour.

  10. I think that's one of the verses that is now invalid.

  11. b) The burning coals here picturing the pain of his frustration over not being able to make you stoop to his level?

    you will make that person feel bad for not being nice to you. Because you should love your neighbor as you do yourself.

    This second view is probably the more predominant view among commentators - whether or not they make reference to the Egyptian ritual itself. But either way, the context shows us that our goal is to do good to the evildoer - in the hope that he will repent. We want him to become our friend, rather than our enemy. (The verse is definitely not an encouragement for us to hope that he will have a "hotter fire in h**l" - that is, that more coals will be "heaped upon his head"!)

  12. A massive hang over.  The writer feels as if he had burning coals on his head

  13. It all sounds like a bunch of BS to me.

  14. It would only mean that"the burning hate against you may cool down after you have offered your enemy something only a friend can give."

  15. I think (A)  - just as heat purifies metal...

    He is probably grouchy when hungry or thirsty so take care of his needs then you can deal with whatever else is troubling him.

    or Her...

    I think we can all identify that Vot?!!

  16. As much as somewhere in the dark corner of our mind we know of someone we would like it to be b), the answer is really A).

    The idea behind all a true Christian should be doing is to make disciples.  To lead them to Jehovah and His service.  That is not done by anger or force but by reason just as the apostle Paul was a Master at.

    Sometimes it is not anything we say but just us going about our daily lives.  This may melt the heart of an opposed one into refined components that can be used by Jehovah for the benefit of all.

  17. John MacArthur's Study Bible notes:

    Refers to an ancient Egyptian custom in which a person who wanted to show public contrition carried a pan of burning coals on his head. The coals represented the burning pain of his shame and guilt. When believers lovingly help their enemies, it should bring shame to such people for their hate and animosity. (See Prov 25: 21, 22)

  18. I think it's a and b.

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