
At The Border With India Do china Have Superior Military Power Than India?

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I have heard they are at more height than india and good post captured at 1962 WAR{{{{in which india was defeated shamefully}}}




  1. China's communist propaganda machine put into good uses during the war and the motivated Chinese peasants actually managed to use donkeys to drag Chinese super heavy howitzer into the extremely cold/icy high mountain regions.  That was a shock to Indian armies since they never thought people would sacrifice lives to do something which seemed not possible.  I believe Indian at that time had superior weaponries but they couldn't manage to get their babies into the cold mountains to make use of them.

  2. That's a tricky question. both countries have reasonably modern conventional armies designed for fighting other nation's armies, unlike the armies of many of the world's nations which are little more than police forces trained and equipped to keep their own populations in line. So in that sense neither country has a clear advantage.

    However, the Indians have much shorter supply lines, and more importantly, many nearby air bases to launch air strikes from. China would have to supply the entire war effort over roads or one (as yet uncompleted) railroad running through Tibet, some of the world's harshest terrain.

    So I would think that neither country has a clear advantage, and any sort of major war between the two would be a bloody stalemate.

  3. OH YES.

    And not just India by using their superior brainwashed ruthless army, if they decide they can take any country. In trade they've already overtaken USA.

    Whilst they can export a billion Barby dolls made cheaply, The Indians export experts, thinkers, scientists and computer specialists. There's hope still ! Keep reading.

    The 62 Chinese aggression was covert sly war, in my book they get 0 out of 10.

  4. CHINA has much more military power than India : (

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