
At What Age............?

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Did your baby start to smile?

my son is 4 weeks and 5 days old and hes smiling already, got my 1st 5 smiles out of him yesterday while talking to him, its SO cute.

there is 2 pics of him smiling




  1. All babies are different my oldest niece was 6 weeks, my youngest nephew was almost 3 months and my daughter came out smiling! Ive gt a pic of her at 2 days old beaming, the pic takes pride place in my lounge.

    What a cute smile, he's lovely. Looks like he'll break some hearts and what a fantastic head of hair, my daughters 9 months old now and still has a peach head!!

  2. Your son is beautiful.

    My daughter was 4 weeks old when she started to smile

  3. aww bless that is adorable, can't wait for my baby to come!! 31 weeks to go lol.

    i love the 1st picture he is sooo cute!!!!

  4. what a cutie!

  5. My son started smiling at about 5 or 6 weeks but the "real" smiles that are directed at objects, people or events didn't start until 4 months old.

  6. What a sweetheart!  Great pics.  He's right on track and as someone else said-it's not gas.  Maybe when they grin in their sleep it's gas but not when you're holding them and talking to them.  Your son is about the age of my new grand-daughter and she just started smiling and trying to coo.  

    Congratulations!  He's adorable!

  7. omg half an hour ago i was ready to have my tubes tied and now i want another baby! he is just precious and that smile could melt the coldest of hearts! congrats!

  8. Oooooh! That's all I can say to his gorgeous cuteness!  

  9. My son also smiled for the first time at 4 weeks.. but the lil booger didn't let me catch it on camera until he was exactly 6 weeks! (grr! lol)

  10. sooo cute! my little man smiled at about 5 weeks he is now 4 months and starting to giggle! he could drive me crazy all day but as soon as i see that smile and hear that little giggle my heart melts and all is forgiven, good luck x  

  11. oh your baby is gorgeous and has a beautiful smile but i fear that putting your photos on this chat room may attract evil predators as they can track your movements by the photobucket web so please be mindful of the needs of safety that your child deserves. and take care.

  12. oh my god!

    your son is the most precious adorable little bundle of joy i have ever seen in my life!

    i hope your prepared for the amount of hearts he is gonna break!

    congrats honey! x

  13. My son was 6 weeks old.  What a cutie you have!!!!

  14. No kids yet, but AWW he is adorable!! What a gorgeous smile!!

    =) x

  15. My son was about 6 weeks old. Isn't it annoying when people tell you "oh, it's only wind"? when you know for a fact it was a smile!

  16. Awww bless him. Such a cute smile.

  17. Bless him, how cute. Its so lovely when they start smiling, mine always did really early. People seem to think they don't for weeks but actually they often smile alot sooner, but no-one evr believes you if you say they do. But obviously there is no doubting your little smiler there.x

  18. aww thats so cute and hes a little cutie congrats x

  19. Aww your son is gorgeous!!

    they say they start to smile at 6 weeks, but i can honestly say my daughter smiled from birth i have may photos to prove this as well.

    all children are different and special!!

  20. Aww bless him! hes lovely congratulations!

  21. Having a child makes you grow up so quickly and realise how hard you have to work for them, and with them, my daughter is 2 now, and every day she smiles makes my life complete. You are so lucky to have the love of your child, i feel sorry for people that do not have any children at all.He is lovely!

  22. He is gorgeous!  Well done!!

    My son starting smiling 4 weeks to the day he was born.  It was just the best feeling in the world to see it!!  And the best bit is yet to come as they will keep doing it more and more!!  Enjoy! x

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