
At a hypothetical locus, a man's genotype is Aa. What proportion of his gametes would be expected to receive t

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At a hypothetical locus, a man's genotype is Aa. What proportion of his gametes would be expected to receive the A allele?

a. All

b. 1/2

c. 3/4

d. 1/4

e. None




  1. it is B. 1/2

    This is beacuse automatically 1/2 of his gametes get (A) and the other half get (a).

    It is kind of like you split his genotype in half therefore getting a half each.

  2. b. 1/2

    the person is carrying a heterozygous character and so the gametes will carry A or a at a ratio 1:1 therefore the proportion is half.

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