
At a loose end.......any suggestions?

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I'm really at a loose end at the moment. ive been suffering with depression and none of the medication seemed to be working. i stopped taking it about a week ago as it wasn't helping and my psychiatrist knew that but I'm so sure that he doesn't wast to help me.

i thought i was starting to get better, as i was able to do normal things, but the last couple of days i just feel really low. i have taken overdoses in the past and i can feel myself getting closer to taking another one. ive spoken to my key worker but she doesn't care, she said to me to call my friend when i feel like this, like she doesn't want to be bothered by it.

the thing is i cant turn to my friend as she has been going through allot recently with her parents, debts, losing her flat, man trouble and i don't want to add to her problems. i find it really hard to talk to people about my problems and she is the only one i can sort of trust, but whenever i tell heI'mim feeling low she ignores it and starts telling me about her problems. i end up having to be her rock and cheer her up but i cant deal with putting on a brave face.

i really don't know what to do. i know there is phone support but i still cant talk to them, i just end up hanging up when they answer.

I'm so close to giving up. any suggestions?

sorry about the rant xx




  1. Although I'm not so sure about the fact that your psychiatrist doesn't want to help you (it's probably your distorsion of reality what makes you think that), this is not the end of the world. The problem with depressions is that the medicines that can help getting over them do not always work that well. In such case, maybe you could suggest your psychiatrist to change it, to make a deeper analysis to see what could really work with you. However, drugs help but they're not all. Have you tried doing meditation? It may help you ballance yourself internally, and thus be more pre-disposed to heal your soul.

    Until then, don't give up. Come on, once you've come this far, you can't just throw it all away. Call that support line. Be strong. Try saying just "hi" and see what happens. Remember that those people DO want to help you, because they're there to HELP!. Come on, what have you got to lose?

  2. Loopy Lou, how long was you taking your medicine before you gave up taking it? What was you taking and at what dosage? Are you in the USA or UK?

    Sorry about all the questions but there isn't sufficient information to be able to judge what is going on here.

    If you are seeing a NHS psychiatrist they seem to allocated an individual area. So he is most likely the psychiatrist covering a wide area including where you live. The chances of changing him is pretty remote so you have got to try to work with him. Having a "feeling" about him isn't really tangible. Did he give you an alternative medication?

    Feeling low now could be as a result of just stopping your medication as our friend above said. The depression won't come back straight away but some days later, which is why you are feeling low now.

    Do you have any other friends that you could talk to? You don't mention your Mum and Dad?

    What you mustn't do once you feel low, is automatically think of taking an overdose. That won't help anyone, least of all yourself. If you come back to me with the answers to my questions, under additional details I will come back to you at the bottom of this message tomorrow. In the meantime you need to get out, go to the shops, have a coffee anything to take your mind away from your immediate problems. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

    Citalopram - normal dosage 20-60mgs. Do not just stop taking the drug, your Psychiatrist should give a gradual reduction in doseage. Withdrawal symptoms are headaches, sickness, dizziness and anxiety.

    Mirtazapine - Treatment should not be stopped too soon because symptoms are likely to re-appear .When treatment is stopped ,the dose should be gradually reduced over several weeks because withdrawal symptoms may occur if the are stopped suddenly. This includes depression.

    I am no doctor but I think you stopping your drugs suddenly has given you the withdrawal symptoms of anxiety and depression. You can either go back and see your Psychiatrist and ask for a gradual reduction in both drugs or you can weather the storm and after  several weeks the withdrawal symptoms will go away. The problem you then have is you will be left with your depression which will need to be treated with new drugs.

    In the meantime keep yourself busy, go out every day even if its only window shopping (and a cup of coffee). If you have a friend who has an interest in something (sporty) then go to a leisure centre and really work up a sweat.

    I think that is much as I can do for you, I do hope it has been of some use. Very Best Wishes. If you want to email me please do, via the email facility on Yahoo Answers.

  3. Hi there,

    Don't apologise, you're going through a lot and feel you have no where to turn and it's ok, so many of us suffering from depression can understand and relate to this. I too have been in your position. Please don't give up, you're worth so much more than that. It is your Key workers job to make sure your cared for and if you can I would ring her again and state that you need to see her. If she doesn't pay any attention then I would go to your GP, they are there for you as well. I know it's going to be hard to talk to other people but you may have to force yourself into it.. I know that's awful but so is feeling the way you do and if it helps you in the long run it's definately worth it hey?

    IF your key worker is not helpful it might be an idea to try and change her, she should not be fobbing you off onto a friend and you have every right to feel angry and to change key workers! You can also ask to change's a patients right.

    What about your parents, brothers, sisters or relatives? I am sure you have already considered this and maybe it's not possible.

    If you feel you cannot last until you see your Key worker or until you can see your gp please ring the out of hours help.. I know it's hard to speak on the phone but remember they are there to help people who are vulnerable. Why not write down what you want to say and how you feel and when they pick up the phone you can read it from the sheet. You can also tell them of your fear of talking to people and they should be able to make you feel better. anything's better than harming yourself isn't it huni??

    You can also email the samaritans at

    I hope this is of some help

    best wishes


  4. Take a Holiday away from your Problems.

    Maybe you should go back on your meds.if you seriously don't trust your psychiatrist why not start seen a new one.I find some time its good to talk to strangers rather then friends cause they always think they know you better then yourself.Ring a counsellor and talk to them.Get help before you do sum thing stupid to your self.

  5. get a different doctor. get a pet. pets provide unconditional love and support. you can talk to the dog.(i know that sounds dumb) but its a way to vent without worrying about a person that might think bad about you etc.

  6. maybe find a new therapist, the "key worker" (i dont know what that is sorry) sounds shite. im really depressed to and therapists dont help me, im not on drugs yet though because im only 16 so its a "phase"  but theres nothing worse when people turn your problems into their own, but its not your friends fault as she might be a little depressed herself. i think you should go to the doctor again, or ask to get another psychololgist

  7. I cant help you---but I really do wish I could.

    Every cloud has a silver lining.

    I once cried cause I had no shoes.

    Then I saw a guy who had no feet.

  8. Whatever i say it probably wont help you but i want to try anyway.

    The main thing is just not to give up. Life is too precious to give up. I know things seem like they will never get better but things always get better. It has to get worse before its gets better because thats the way life goes. Just take the medication the way your supposed to and keep seeing your phyciatrist and try work on it. Something obviously happened to trigger your depression and if you keep talking about it, it might help you feel better. Just never give up, though i know it seems impossible not to when you feel like that.

  9. i think you need to get some activities in your life that make you feel better about yourself and give you an interest in your life.take up walking  30 mins a day it will make you fitter and feel better about yourself and life in general . swimming is good also 30-45 mins twice a will feel better for doing the exercise honest.

  10. What are you doing with your life that causes such depression in you?  How is your attitude towards living happily?  Where are your family members who support you emotionally?  It's been said that you make your own happiness.  While I believe this to be true, I also believe that people's brains can be chemically imbalanced.  Please don't try the coward's way out.  I promise you it'll get better.  Do yourself a favor and find things that you enjoy doing.  When you do happy things, you'll begin to see your spirits lifting and the dark mood will leave you.  I care what happens to you and so should you.  Make sure your Psychiatrist knows this.  Tell him that he should be on your side.  And if he's not then find another that is.  I hope this helps.  Good luck and keep in touch.

  11. "i stopped taking it about a week ago "


    you should NEVER suddenly stop taking antidepressants!  that could be why youre feeling low.  youre supposed to come off them gradually - gradually reducing the dosage over several weeks

    you should start taking them again asap

    in the meantime, watch some comedy or do some exercise or something

    trusting your shrink has got nothing to do with meds.  im telling you stopping them suddenly is NOT a good thing to do

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