
At a party, why does everyone gravitate to the kitchen?

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When I threw parties in my 20's, people ended up in the kitchen. Now I'm throwing family parties, we still end up in the kitchen.

And it's not just the parties I host, but the ones I go to as well.





  1. The kitchen is the food and drink zone and it has that "cozy" feel. A lot of people have memories and moments that are very favorable in the it's a hot spot! Making Thanksgiving dinner..or baking cookies with granny..Good times are about location sometimes and that's a top one for gatherings.

  2. normally because the food and drink comes from the kitchen so its natural for people to gravitate there, try turning the kitchen lights no one will ''stay in the kitchen" after they get what they need....

  3. Is the alcohol there? .. that would explain it if it is.

  4. 'Cuz no matter what, the kitchen is where the most convivial interactions take place in most families.  The kitchen truly is the "family room".  Guests will just naturally head for the most comfortable room in the house.  The trick to preventing that is to leave the dirty dishes and all in the sink, get out of the kitchen yourself and leave the cleanup until everyone leaves.  I've even gone to the extent of turning off the lights in the kitchen and closing the kitchen door.  But (I do the cooking in our house) I don't do it anymore - I actually like visiting with my guests in the kitchen - so much so that when my wife and I remodeled, we removed the door and wall separating the kitchen from the dining room.  My oldest daughter and her husband bought a house built that way - and we all love the sharing and the intimacy we can enjoy with our friends and guests that way.

  5. bcuz its free food duh

  6. food and drink has often come to mean a celebration!  People go to the kitchen as it seems hospitable and friendly.  It happens at my house to even with family they all stand in the kitchen and don't sit down!

  7. The best place to socialize because there is no TV for distraction. Plus there is food & beverage quickly available.

  8. The kitchen is the heartbeat of the home.  It's where you are doing the work and people want to spend time with you.  It's usually the most warm and welcoming room.

  9. According to the book "Smillas Sense of Snow" there's a Greenlandish proverb:

    In a home that makes you feel comfortable, you're bound to end up in the kitchen.

    Could also be because people at parties tend to play the music too loudly -- making the kitchen the only place you can actually talk ...

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