
At a road test do they ask you to read something from a distance to check your sight?

by  |  earlier

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i don't think the glasses i have now are strong enough and my test is tommorow




  1. yes you need to be able to read traffic signs and see what's going on around you.  it's not very demanding, however.

  2. In most cases the eye test was given   when you took  the written test > if you cant see dont drive

  3. They wont ask you to read any signs but at the same time if you cant see what the sign says, then you should not take the test now and go see an eye doctor for your safety as well as for other people on the road......

  4. The only sight test I had to take was the sign test when you go in for your license, it tests your sight by making you look into this black box thing and there is a slide with signs on it and you have to identify, if your sight is not good enough you won't be able to distinguish the signs.

  5. .

    I take it from your question the test will be conducted in the UK.

    If so,  you will be required to read a vehicle number plate from a distance of 20 metres (or 20.5 metres if an old style number plate)


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