
At about what age should a child try to ride a bicycle without training wheels?

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My son is 5 and doesn't really want to try to ride without them. Is that normal?




  1. It's normal and he will probably be read in a few months. I learned when i was 5-6.

  2. i say around 5or6 but they have to be ready so let him try on grass so if he falls then it won't hurt as much and let him take his time

  3. Yes it is normal. Let him have the training wheels until he builds up his confidence then he will be fine. The first time on a bike can be scary. All kids are different so don't let any macho male relatives make him feel bad just because he wants to use training wheels. The little guy has only been on this earth for 5 years. Make learning to ride a bike a good memory for him. You'll do the right thing. Take care. I wish my 6ft 1 boys were five and small and squishy again. They grow up so fast. seriously. Give him a squishy hug mom.

  4. I learned the day before my fifth birthday. I'd say you should start trying to get him to ride without training wheels.

  5. My son was 6 when the training wheels came off but would only ride down a slight slope in our yard until 3 weeks ago - he just turned 8. Now he rides all around the neighborhood.

    All kids are different - my son took off when we were at a party for a little boy who got a new bike for his birthday and everyone else was riding. Wanted to be part of the crowd.

  6. Hi, Laura!  I'd say your son is totally in the normal range!  It is a milestone, and I understand your worry.  He'll catch on, though!  We've had a couple neighbor kids ride without training wheels early--like around 3 1/2 to 4 years old--but our son was your son's age when he learned to ride a two-wheeler.  Our daughter was 6.  She learned during the summer before 1st grade.  Even then, she didn't really want to try, but we worked with her and she finally got it.  Do you have a nice, smooth street in front of your house with room for your son to practice?  You could try raising the training wheels a little as he zips around out there.  It's early in the season.  He'll get it!

  7. He's start if he wants to start with training wheels. Get him a bike with training wheels or even a tricycle, and when he's confident and no longer leans on the training wheels, you can remove them and teach him to ride without them. Age is not really a factor, but experience.

  8. Two months before my 7th birthday, the training wheels were removed from my bike. I was successful in biking.

  9. While my son learned when he was 3 1/2, my daughter is 6 and still can't ride without training wheels.  But I think a good age to let them start trying would be around 4 1/2-5.  I think I was 5 when I learned to ride without training wheels.  And I think too it depends on your child, and their determination to ride. It does drive me crazy that my daughter won't be more assertive in wanting to learn to ride without the training wheels, and I do think it is an important milestone for them to learn to do that, some kids may just be a little slower than others in mastering the technique, just keep encouraging him.

  10. I just taught my 4 year old how to ride without training wheels.  I have seen 3 year olds ride without them as well.  When they are ready, they are ready.  Here is a good technique:

    Find a grassy hill that is about 25-50 yards long and has either a flat bottom or something that leads into another slight rise to act as a natural brake.  Take off the training wheels and pedals (optional).  Lower the seat completely so that your child can sit on the seat and place both feet on the ground.  Have him simply roll down the hill several times until he becomes more confident.  Once this is mastered you can then put the pedals back on and work on this technique.  Finally, you can raise the seat back up to a more natural position.  This worked for my son and should work for yours.  In fact, it was a day I will never forget.  After 4-5 attempts my little buy was gone and there was no stopping him.  I will never forget running along side of him and hearing him say, "Daddy, I am so proud of myself for learning to ride a bike".  I really got the sense that he had this new found pride and freedom.  It was one of those amazing parenting moments.  Good luck.

  11. I didn't even get a bicycle until I was 7. I got laughed at by other kids.

    Fortunately , I discovered that the bike will stay up better by riding in a straight line.

    The riding in a circle wasn't doing it for me.

    Your son just needs some more practice.

    Make sure he has room to ride in a straight line and isn't just turning in circles.

  12. I was 6 maybe close to 7 before I started to learn. My brother and cousins were around the same ages too. I have 2 nephews that are 5 and 7 and they both still use training wheels.  Every kid is different. I'm sure your son is normal! No Worries! : )

  13. my son went without his at 5 years 6 months, so maybe this summer after a bit more practice he will be o k .

  14. I would say whenever HE feels HE is ready.

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