My beautiful gelding has been having sheath issues for over 18months, I have to wash it daily among other things, when it's bad it swells up so much the skin cracks & bleeds. He's seen every vet in the area inc stays at the specialist clinic, we've spent a fortune & tried everything to resolve it. The last lab report said it wasn't cancerous but was highly resistant bacterial/viral infections & all the vet said was to keep it clean & dry with natural products. He's almost 100% better in winter but if the temp gets above X degrees it gets bad again & it's just started again today & I feel helpless... For 18months I've had him under the supervision of an equine naturopath & have been feeding him all sorts of herbal mixtures, teas etc to help him naturally but nothing's working, he's 100% sound & healthy otherwise. I'm not asking for a solution, I would just love to know what YOU would do next cos I'm lost :(
My boy -