
At debate time, if Biden is a pompous jerk will Sarah Palin...?

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shoot him, skin him, cook him and eat him. Then use his hide as a throw rug?

There's something appealing about that woman!




  1. Lovely Sarah Palin will kick his a** down to Alaska.

  2. That would be nice - then pitch a fire with the crude oil from drilling offshore!!!

    I think it's great the Dems are underestimating her - she won't leave 'til she's won the debate, that's what type of person she is - hope she comes prepared with good numbers/stats AND talking points!!!

  3. Biden is very mean and he is an elitist liberal jerk.  I hope she tells him that to his rotten face.

  4. *blinks twice*

    I would usually advise you to be taken by the nice men with the white jacket, but unfortunately given that woman's ideals, that may actually happen.

  5. Biden will open his big mouth and make a sexist comment.  And that will tarnish Obama's image even further.   And I will laugh hysterically.

    Obama's first reaction to Palin as VP, "uh...uh, uh"   He said "uh" so much in response to it that he could barely get out a complete sentence.

  6. I live in New Jersey right above Delaware and have heard plenty from Biden over the years.  I do not know where people get the idea that he is a good debater. He is very long winded and often makes stupid statements and sticks his foot in his mouth.  His greatest weakness is that he has a bad temper.  Push him hard enough and he will go off spewing all kinds of vitriol that he will later have to apologize for.

    I know a bit about Sarah Palin.  I have family in Alaska.  She is no wilting violet.  She has taken on powerful corrupt people in her own party and won.  They tried to take her down.  She's still there, they are gone.

    Believe me, Biden has his hands full.


  7. I, for one, hope he is pompous. This woman has done NOTHING to earn being just a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

    What is wrong with McCain? More importantly why would people vote for someone who picks his VP like he's picking grapes from the fruit stand?

    Palin has been Governor for 655 days!  He met her one time!

    This is totally insane.

  8. Let's just all vote in the woman whom has NO IDEA what a Vice-President does over a man whom does.

    That's how we got George Bush for 8 years.

    Through ignorance and stupidity.

    Some people just never learn...

  9. She may very well. Biden was here in Reno a while back at the Grand Sierra Resort for some speech. My wife and I were there to get a bite and play a little. There was plenty of parking and no crowd at all. The room where he was talking was 1/2 empty as we walked by.If that is any indication of his popularity Palin has nothing to worry about. She hunts Moose! The Democratic donkey should pose no trouble.

  10. no, my prediction is that if Biden turns to "attack dog" mode and says something particularly witty but demeaning towards Palin, she'll not fight back but rather start bawling crocodile tears, making Biden look like an *** and swaying millions of sympathizing americans toward McCain's ticket.

  11. Here is the info on Sarah Palin's stand (or lack of it) on the issues:

    And here is what Alaskans think of this choice:

  12. I think and hope if he shows what a pompous prick he can be in a debate she will just show how much class he does not have with a real cute smile on her face. (You can't eat librals, they would taste like chit and there hides are so thin the pelts are worthless.)

    I do think she will be a good spokesperson for the working class gun owners who were raised on shotgun.

  13. she wont able to do anything... biden is soooooo much smarter than her and has way more experience. biden is going to eat her alive. politics has no race nor gender she is going to get treated like everyone else and shown no mercy  

  14. IF you ask When have you not seen him act that way?

  15. ```Lovely Sarah Palin will kick his a** down to Alaska.`~

    shouldn't that be "Lovely Sarah Palin will kick his a** UP to Alaska"

    and you americans get really pissy when the rest of the world beats you in Geography ?

  16. Its really sad how McCain is trying to use the gender card. But obviously that is all he has, so the sensible voters should know what that move was all about.

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