
At dinner my 12 year old daughter mentioned she had played a Quigia Board at a friend's birthday party.?

by Guest57599  |  earlier

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I can't help, but not like this. I remember having a bad experience as a young teen with Quigia Boards. (Lots of nightmares & reocurrent SCARY dreams) I don't want to be the over protective parent, but something in me just says NO! What do y'all think? Should I just let her have fun with her friends, or forbid this?




  1. Milton Bradley makes the Ouija Board, so it's just a board game. If you act like bad things are going to happen, than she probably will have a bad experience. If you act like it's no big deal, than she won't have any adverse reactions to it. It's like I used to do to my kids when they were babies, they would fall, get a little hurt, but if i didn't act like they had a huge spill they wouldn't cry.

  2. no. they are scary "games".

    trust your instincts, don't let her play with a game that contacts "spirits"

  3. OH MY GOD!!!

    Your daughter is friends with Lucifer!!

  4. Quigia??? You mean Ouija?

    Anyway, you're the parent, and you know some of the story behind this "game" so if you want to, say no. If you'd rather avoid the argument, then just let her do what she wants.

  5. You must forbid this stupid game at once.Not with threats but a tactical approach.It is a dangerous game to play and I know of where a kid attempted to jump from a school rooftop on account of it.But most likely it will go away soon the kids are only experimenting with it.You could try and see the offender and make it crystal clear that your daughter will not attend the sessions and god help them if they encourage it.

  6. If she isn't having a problem let her. Don't pass on your fears to her.

  7. its a stupid little game, if your that over protective that you think shes gonna have night mares than dont let her do it. but if you forbid it shes gonna think it is actually dangerous and she might then be scared, if you know what i mean.

    my suggestion, let it be.

  8. Don't make a big deal out of it.

    Ouji boards are NOT talking to the dead.

    Your subconscience moves your hands.

    If you make a fuss, she will do it all the time.

  9. Go with your gut instinct, Mom!!!...YOU are responsible for her well-being, and her NOT playing with a Ouija board is  CERTAINLY not going to hurt her!!  AND I'll tell you this - that little piece you put your hands on does NOT move by itself and regardless of what people think, THEY aren't moving it either, truth be told.   What happened to you was very real, wasn't it?  So don't ignore that and do the best you can for your child!

  10. i think you should tell her this and then let her make her own decision. you can encourage her to lean one way, but let her make the choice

  11. no no no get rid of it im 16 and i had my moms and its from like the 70s but my older brother made me throw it away cuz he knew someone who had to be institutionalized and i do too this one kid did it all the time and he used to be really overweight then all of a sudden he lost all of his weight and had like a split personality and cut himself had to go to a mental institution it was bad but once i played it with my best friend and we got really nauseas and dizzy so you need to make it stop

  12. Of the devil.

  13. If you forbid Ouija,she'll just get her contact with demons some other way.

    What that means is that this present world system belongs to Satan, and people are led astray by everything. It really is important to control and forbid those channels to sin which you can, for reasons including showing yourself to be in the driver's seat with your children, which leads to respect. As for the weak willed, well, "children have become their masters".

  14. , explain it to her and ask her not to...... if she has strong spiritual beliefs she will make the right decision.

  15. Can the Ouija Board harm/kill someone?

    The spirit from the board cannot harm or kill you directly. In other words, it ususally does not hit you with a hammer or throw you across a room (this is a rare usually occurrence).  No, it is more subtle kind of harm.   If you spend enough time with the board and spirit communication, your emotions, mind and body will become affected.  Depression and suicidal thoughts can be a symptom of  "spirit communication" or "spirit chasing."  


    FORBID IT....have a good talk with her  telling her why and what it can do to her so she may belive you and stop.

  16. Just let her have fun

    As a kid your are going to have

    Good expierence and bad ones

    And if she decides she dosent like it

    Then that should be okay.

    But if she has thos nightmares

    Just help her through them

  17. If you forbid it, she will probably do it anyway behind your back. I would talk to her about it and explain to her why you don't think it is a good idea.

  18. if you forbid it, she'll want to do it even more.

    Make her aware of the negative factors involved and ask her what she would gain from the experience....will it positively affect your life? Look up some online sources, I'm sure those can scare her off of it.


  19. Tell her no so she wont get nightmares

  20. No, you need to have a talk with her and tell her that she can't use Ouija boards in the future. You're the parent, you need to make the rules. If you're uncomfortable with a children's game, then you gotta stop her from playing it.

  21. your daughter has opened the door to another universe through which demons will come through to our galaxy.

  22. First its Ouija. Second its harmless fun, not reality. let your kid enjoy her youth, everyone plays with those when they are a kid. All the scary stuff you hear about them is just urban legend and is no more real than farries or unicorns.

  23. I grew up playing with those all the time, even as late as college.  I remember once our RA coming out and seeing us all playing with one and she freaked out. Of course we thought she was nuts.  I think it's part of normal exploration of curiosity about death, afterlife, etc.  I suppose it depends on what you believe, but I personally feel it's just a toy.  You can tell your daughter that you had that experience as a teen and maybe it will make her think about her choice to play with one, but I'd say this is one of those times to let her just explore this on her own.  She will probably have a completely different experience than you did, after all!

  24. It's Ouija -- and remember -- they're sold in the toy department FOR A REASON.

  25. OUIJA boards aren't that scary at all. what happened? let her have fun with her friends. i find nothing scary about it, and find it a generally not scary at all experience.

  26. If you are uncomfortable with it, you should have a discussion with her about how you feel, and also find out how she feels about it. She might have a different experience from you. At 12, she is old enough to have a conversation and discussion on the topic.

  27. don't let her do it

  28. Ouija...try spell check...that is the only way to spell it...

  29. ABSOLUTELY, NO. NO. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I feel it must be addressed.  I was taught it is not consistent with our Christian beliefs.  The Bible does talk about this kind of stuff.

    Teach her, "No!"  Along with that, help her develop a plan when people make fun of her, belittle her, etc.

  30. what is a Quigia Board ??

  31. I'm not a mother or anything, and I'm actually afraid to play with those things.. but my thirteen year old sister and her friends play with one. They don't really take it seriously though, and it usually doesn't work. Put it this way, if your twelve year old isn't interested in the topic of death, ghosts and dead people.. then it's probably alright for her and her friends to fool around with it. It's just natural for them to be curious :)

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