
At home anti-nausea remedies?????

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im REALLY nauseous... i have been every morning and evening for a couple weeks now... anyone know at-home remedies to make it go away, if not for good at least temporarily?

I don't have much money so i need to know if i can use like foods or otc medicines that i would already have at home

btw , i dont have pepto bismal because it never works, it makes me sick, so don't suggest pepto... please




  1. there is an otc sleep aid w/an active ingredient called doxylamine succinate and it will stop nausea. u have to read the label and make sure it has that as the active ingredient tho, bc whatever the other one is doesnt do the same thing! it does work. i have tried it and out of the times i took it i only threw up one time and i think it was bc i took it too late.

  2. You can try eating soda crackers or if you're sure you're not pregnant you could try the following:

    add 1-2 drops of Peppermint oil per pint of warm water & sip slowly



    By Cathy Wong on


    1 cup peeled, thinly sliced ginger

    3 cups water

    1 cup sugar

    2 cups club soda

    1 teaspoon lime juice


    In a covered saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add the ginger pieces and sugar and cover. Reduce the heat and allow it to simmer for five minutes.

    Remove from heat and allow it to sit for 20 minutes.

    Strain the mixture and set aside the liquid.

    Once it has reached room temperature, cool it in the fridge. Although you don’t need the ginger pieces any more, you can keep them to make crystallized ginger.

    Mix the ginger sugar water with two cups of cold club soda. Add the lime juice. Stir and serve.

    Makes four servings.


    If you do not want to use sugar in this recipe, boil the ginger in water without adding the sugar. After it has cooled, sweeten to taste with stevia or another sugar substitute

  3. I would bet money that you are pregnant.  you can have a period after you concieve, but usually they are very light.  I know this from EXPERIENCE with my son!  LOL.  When I was pregnant, I was HORRIBLY sick.  I didnt want to take dramamine because it makes me sleep too much, but there is one alternative that is safe to take.  Its called Bonine. Makes you MUCH less drowsy and they are little chewable tablets.  Im sorry I couldnt help with a home remedy, but those little Bonine pills REALLY helped when I was nauseated!

  4. ginger is the best, and its really cheap at the supermarket (you can get some fresh ginger root for under $1)  

    grate some and steep in hot water and your stomach will feel much better.

  5. Even though you are not sure you are pregnant - I would suggest you try sprite - When I was pregnant It was very helpful as well as help to settle my husband's stomach when he was nausea (he wasn't pregnant!!)

  6. When I was pregnant (I suppose this works also when you are not) what worked wonders for me was drinking, before getting out of bed in the morning, a mug of hot chocolat.

    I hope you have someone to prepare it for you and bring it to you.

    I wish you luck.

  7. Can I ask, are you pregnant?

    I had horrible morning and evening sickness when I was pregnant. Nothing helped, I had to get medicine from the doctor.

    Ginger-ale and eating all day long, never let yourself go hungry might help.

  8. I use peppermint candy to settle my stomach, or ginger ale soda.

  9. The most popular and effective natural products for soothing the stomach are Peppermint Oil, Ginger, DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice), and Aloe Vera.

    In a pinch, you can use real Peppermint candy, real Licorice candy, or real Ginger ale.... but most people have artificially flavored versions of each of those.

    A small bottle of Ginger or a bit of a Ginger root shouldn't cost too much so that'll probably be your best bet for now.

    Good luck!

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