
At home facials question?

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how can i give myself an at home personal facial?

In Christ,





  1. get some apple (grated) and honey. mix it together and smother your face.

    dont it it. it will make you hurl.


  2. first, figure out what kind of skin type you have. Is it:






    The worst thing you can do is put something on your skin that you thought would improve it, only to find out that it made your skin all red and rashy or breakout!

    -So here's to tell what skin type you are:

    Dry - your skin feels tight after washing and is a bit flakey. You feel like you always have to put moisturizer on

    Oily - your skin is shiney even after a couple of washing your face; plus, your pores are enlarged and you are prone to acne

    Normal - your skin doesn't feel tight after washing, but it doesnt get shiney or oily throughout the day. Your pore size is normal, and your skin does not flake. You also dont have acne

    Combination - your skin feels tight and dry on your cheeks and eyes, but your skin gets really shiny and oily on your T-zone (your forehead, nose and chin). The pores are usually larger on your t-zone area.

    Sensitive - your skin gets irritated and itchy with any harsh products and tends to burn easily. It is usually fair and you may have some red areas.

    So now that you have figured out what skintype you are, time to pick out a facial. Head to Walmart or some other cheap store and try to look for those "Freemans" beauty masks and scrubs or even those individual packets of skin masks. Just ask the lady at the beauty counter and she'll direct you if you cant find them. Then pick the one that is suited to your skin type - on the back of hte label it will usually say if its for dry, oily, normal, or combo skin.

    Next, when you get home, cut two slices of cucumber and put in refridgerator to chill. Then, when you feel like it, take a shower to clean your skin. Plus, the heat from the shower's steam will open up your pores, allowing the face mask to better penetrate to your skins inner layers.

    Next, pat your skin dry and get into your comfy bathrobe or pj,  wrap your head up in a towel (to prevent your wet hair from getting into the mask), and apply a generous amount of the face mask from the package onto your skin. Avoid your eye area and nostrils and lips. Then get the two slices of chilled cucumber and apply over your eyes (the chilled cucumber not only makes you feel like your getting a spa treatment but helps to tighten the delicate skin around your eyes and depuff any baggy undereye circles). Then Lay back and relax for 10 -15 minutes (however long it says on the pkg) and rinse your face when time is up. Then rewash your face with your regular cleanser to get rid of any excess residue. and voila! your face should feel squeaky clean and glowy!

    -have funnn :)

  3. Well, if you go to Sally's Beauty Supply, the brand called Queen Helene has really good facial creams. I use the Original Green Mint. It feels cool and clean. And it works! Hope this helps!  

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