
At how many months did you start feeding your newborn baby solids?

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Solids meaning Gerber baby foods found in grocery stores? Also, because I'm a first time mom this might sound a like a silly question, but because my 3 month old daughter doesn't have her teeth yet will she be able to eat her solids like Gerber baby foods when her doctor says it's okay to? I'm planning on still feeding her my breast milk until she reaches the 6 months mark, but I was curious regarding solid foods and age.




  1. typically the recommended age to start feeding solids like cereal and pureed baby food is 4 months.. take my advice do what your baby wants. i am a mother of 3 with one on the way. if ur baby doesnt take to it immediately keep trying. sometimes it helps to feed a partial bottle or such before trying to start with baby food they get frustrated and then wont try anything. if they arent as hungry they tend to respond better. a good website with usefull info is it is geared for your baby's age and regular development and blogs from other mothers

  2. All the official sources say not before 6 months, but when my son got his first tooth at 4 months and began to be interested in food i asked my doctor. She said that she's known hardly anyone whose baby hasn't started on at least rice cereal before 6 months.

    Just start with a small amount of rice cereal, quite thin, and go from there.

    Good luck and have fun, it can be pretty funny.

  3. My older two I did it really early like 3 or 4 weeks. Not a good idea. With my youngest, 5 months on the 1st, she just now as of yesterday, and cereal for the first time. She loved it!!

    I would say just wait until the six months. Some like me started early with the solids but my baby now is very satisfied and developing quite well with just the breast milk. And yes with out teeth she will eat just fine. There is no chewing involved as the food is pureed and runny. SO she wont need her teeth to chew or eat at that time.

  4. I started rice cereal at 4 months.  Then didn't do veggies until 5.5 months.  Cereal & baby foods don't have much nutritional value for the baby until after 6 months and beyond.  It's merely a texture, and learning to swallow something a little thicker than breast milk.  Main nutrition comes from breast milk until 12 months.  Just remember only one new food each week.  Same food every morning for a week.  Don't be in a rush to start solids.  

    The baby's digestive tract still needs to mature to handle the food, even if the pediatrician okays it.  She's just saying it won't hurt baby - not that it's necessarily best.  And it won't change her sleeping patterns either.  That's why I jumped at cereal at 4 months.  Nope, didn't help one bit.  I did my week in the morning to check for allergy/reaction, then switched to night time cereal before nursing to sleep and didn't change how often she ate or woke one bit.

  5. Most doctors recommend not introducing solids until 6 months. Their digestive tracks are not ready for solids until around that age. Yes, the gerber foods should be fine if she does not have any teeth because everything is pureed. Good luck and just wait a little longer.

  6. 4-5 months rice baby cereal and then oatmeal baby cereal

    5-6 months baby 1st food..veggies first starting with green.. then the other veggies.. give them just that veggie for 3-4 days to check for any allergic reactions.. then when you get through all veggies start on baby 1st food fruits. Keep giving formula as normal... at 6 months you can start juice.  

  7. According to WIC and pediatrician, which i followed, i fed my son rice cereal at 3 months and started the gerber baby food at around 4-41/2 months, see how well they are doing with the cereal. PLus the breastfeeding/formula for the first year of their life for brain development. Hope this was helpful!

  8. i started feeding my baby rice cereal at 5 months then went to puree now at 7mths he eats lumpier meals they gradually learn how to chew with their gums they do not need teeth to chew but obviously start on pureed foods first.

  9. I breastfeed and offered rice cereal at 6 months.  It was a waste though, pretty much junk food I won't offer to any future kids!!  As for solid food, I gave her thick mashes and chunks right away, all homemade.  The storebought stuff is vile.  Anything I can't eat, there is NO way I'm making my child eat!!

    It's recommended by experts to wait until at LEAST 6 months before starting solids, and all solids offered before a year are only meant for practice.  Breast milk or formula should be the bulk of the diet the first year.

  10. My baby girl was exclusively fed breast untill 6months and then i started her on one meal a day, i didn't drop any milk feeds, just added the solid one in.

    She is now 7 months and she also has no teeth, she gums it up fine.

    I offer her breast and then give her the meal, what ever she doesn't eat that is fine cause i know she has at least had milk. she is now on 3 meals a day and 4 milk feeds.

    Good luck with introducing solids, i was a bit scared to introduce solids, but it wasn't as bad as what i thought!

  11. I found that my daughter was still looking for more food after each bottle given to hare.  We started giving her baby rice at 14 weeks.  

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