
At how many months do you put your baby in the bath tub?

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My baby is 9 months old and can hold herself up perfectly well. We use a baby tub but it getting almost to difficult to rinse her off and i was wondering about when we should just put her in the tub. Do they make something soft to put down on the floor better than one of those nonslip mats? Thank you for any advise, she's ready for her bath tonight and i was just wondering.




  1. my daughter is 7 months and started putting her in the tub about a month ago. we use the aquababy bath seat.

  2. we were using the regular tub by then.  I didn't get any mat or ring to put her in, just watched her like a hawk!  THe tub is SOOOO much easier!

    edit:  My sister used to put a folded up towel on the bottom of the tub to keep my niece from slipping.

  3. I found that my daughter did best in the little blow up tub that you stick in your big bathtub.  She is 18 months old and still uses it because our tub floor is very slippery.  Here is a link to the one we have:

    I love it!  It fits nicely and has a convenient drain on the bottom, plus a suction cup so you can hang it up in your shower.  One of our best investments!

    Note:  You don't have to deflate it each time you use it.  Just leave it blown up and hang it up in your shower!

  4. I have three children and what i have done for them when they was that age was i would put a towel at the bottom of the tub so they wouldn't slip and if she can sit up on her own i would allow her to that with close supervision. i also think that now is a good time the towel in the tub well allow her to move around and not slip.

  5. with my son I had a blow up bath. It was a great idea except for the fact that it took longer to blow up than use. By that time my older two were in the bath already, or the sink. I just used a folded up towel and that worked great. And get a detachable shower head if you don't have one already. Those are fantastic for rinsing baby off. I don't know how I lived with out one with my first two.  

  6. for this type of question I would go  

  7. she's only eleven weeks, she's been in the reg tub only with me, but we have a GREAT baby tub called the euro primo bath or primo euro's great for nbs and toddlers, it's a little big, but it is so great for trying to hold on to slippery babies and can later be filled a little deeper for toys and still support a little better than the reg tub....good luck with your choice...remember, anyone, esp babies can drown in an inch of water or less, so what you think is safest for your least google it and check it out to see if you like it; i got mine off amazon, but now i have seen them in our babies r us store....and they drain and clean up so easy!!!!

  8. i believe u can put your baby in the big tub as soon as they can sit up. they also have a little sit u can sit the baby in if u want 2 feel more safe. and u can buy a mat if u want 2, 4 the baby won't slip.

  9. Yes they have tub 'seats'.  Or little bath chairs/rings that she can sit in.  They also have those soft little cushions made out of a spongelike material.  Obviously, i don't have any of the techinical names! But there are lots of products out there.  

  10. Shes probably fine just to sit in the tub if she can sit up on her own. Just make sure you are always right there with her. Holding her so she cant slip of fall back.  

  11. You can use nonslip mats and cover them with a towel, If she's too big for the baby tub, you can bathe her in the regular tub, just don't make the water too deep. You can also get like an innertube or baby boppy kind of thing, and put her inside of that for some safety.

  12. Kill two birds with one stone: take your baby in the bath with you.  You can get clean at the same time!  Put your baby in your lap and wash away.

  13. by about 7-8 months i was using the regular tub- you can just put a non-slip mat down which is safe for everyone- but i didn't. i would fill it just a tiny bit and he loved to push himself around on his tummy like he was swimming in it- he is 16 months now and dunks under water spins around on his back in the water and blows bubbles and stuff.

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