
At how many weeks/months did you start showing?

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At how many weeks/months did you start showing?




  1. i had bloating at week 8 and it's never gone back down! i'm now at 33weeks :)

    people down town started smiling at my bump at 26weeks. and at 25weeks i jumped up two dress sizes from around my waist! So i think i "popped" at week 25 and that's when i officially started showing.

  2. I am 11 weeks pregnant and I am already showing, not a whole lot but depending on what I am wearing it is pretty obvious.

  3. I was properly showing at 10 weeks gone.. like a proper mini bump..

    at around 7 or 8 weeks I had a bit of a belly.. it just looked like i'd had a very big meal... or eaten all the pies.. lol!  

  4. 17 weeks is when I started noticing it.

  5. At three months my waist was a little thicker.  At four months I had a baby bump.  At five months I was obvious.  Hope this helps.

  6. About 5 months

  7. I started showing at 3 months.

  8. about 22 weeks with my first pregnancy and about 10 weeks with my 2nd

  9. 9-10 weeks

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