
At khols when they ask me how do you handle stressful situations what should i say?

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At khols when they ask me how do you handle stressful situations what should i say?




  1. How about telling the truth? If you don't feel as if you handle stressful situation well, it's better to be honest about instead of pissing off a customer and getting fired. Maybe if they like all your other traits well enough, they'll send you to a stress-handling workshop, or something. Good luck with the interview!

  2. I imagine this is for an application or interview:

    If so, tell them:  "I normally do not get stressed out.  It takes a lot for me to lose my composure."

    Bingo.  Job.

    Lol - Sorry too - I have a little troll: ♥ who has four accounts and like to thumbs-down me.  It is good to see she cares so much :O).

  3. You handle them well.

  4. Tell them you change them to a positive every stres fule and negative have positives

  5. You remain calm and professional and act appropriately. Give an example. Say you are dealing with a rude customer who is getting loud and unruly. You would help them to the extent of your position while making sure that no other customer is affected. If the situation escalates you would contact your supervisor and security if necessary.  If the stress is coming from the amount of work you have to do then you would tell them that you would prioritize what is important and can not wait and do that first unless you were given a directive to do something else.

  6. Well if what you do is ok, just tell them that. Me personally, I take a deep breath, refocus and try to figure out if the problem is solvable and how to achieve that. But if you get angry and throw stuff...well you may not want to tell them that lol..Good Luck!

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