
At last!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by Guest58521  |  earlier

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read this story. a parent finally taking responsiabilty.

would any of you do the same?




  1. I'd turn my children in the moment they refused to take responsibility for themselves.  I have raised my children to take personal responsibility, which has resulted in them being very responsible, kind, excellent members of society.

    It is not my job as their mother to cover their butts, it IS my job to make sure they are held responsible for their actions, even if it is painful for me to do so.

  2. She did the right thing. I don't have kids yet, but as of now, I think I will do the same if my kids are such sociopaths.

  3. LOL

    as soon as i read this, i was like "yup, i'd do that"

    I was raised by parents like this. i never tested them in this way of course, but they had a very low tolerence for misconduct. sometimes i feel like kids these days aren't afraid of their parents enough.

  4. good for her..she really did the right thing.  

    would I? like to think so...but I hope...really hope to never have a kid who tests me on that.

    5 year old stole a ring the other day.  she had asked if she could  have it I said no....three stores later she has the ring on.  hawled her back to the store made her apology and give it back.

    ..........some how it's far from the same.

  5. the mother did the right thing.

  6. i couldn't do it. i could not turn in any of my friends or family for anything that they did unless there are just some unexcusable circumstances like molesting my child or something but for a fight, i just couldn't do it.

  7. Well done to her - 2 years for blinding a man in one eye doesn't seem like much, though :-(

  8. No, I would never turn in any of my kin to the cops. I respect the idea, but I couldn't do it.

    ...I'm thinking...I would strongly encourage them to turn themselves in, but I can't say that I would do it.

  9. i'm not sure that i'd be able to turn in my children... i would hope so though.  imagine the guilt you'd feel if your sons behaved this way.

  10. If my daughter did something violent like that I would turn her in in a heartbeat.  I would be so angry...knowing that I raised her better than that!

  11. Its all hypothetical for me, as I have no children.  But I believe I would do the same.  If I didn't, I don't think I could live with myself or my children.  Their actions would disgust me, and we'd be estranged anyway.

    This mother sets a powerful and positive precedent, and the message is loud and clear...people cannot go around hurting other people.  

    Perhaps her guilt would also have been stronger at having raised such monsters - rather than the guilt of having these same monsters turn away from her...
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