
At my golf club the same members win every week. How can we stop this?Is their any softweare etc to control?

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At my golf club the same members win every week. How can we stop this?Is their any softweare etc to control?




  1. You could always go Tonya Harding on his Knee...

  2. TOP SECRET: start your own new team or group that matches your handicap...  

    For the longest time, I paired up with a group and lost at skins until I just said, forget it - you play your game, I'll play mine...  When it turns into a slaughter, it takes the fun out of it.

    Have fun!

  3. think they are better than you?

  4. The issue you would have to address is their handicaps. If they are winning every week because the rounds are handicapped then you could call them sand baggers. If this is the case then you have to make sure they are entering all their scores and make sure the scores are correct. If they are winning because they are shooting better scores than you or others straight up, then I would recommend practicing harder. Good luck!!

  5. What I've found with my fellow members is that few of them actually practice. Most golfers think they can hit consistant shots without practicing consistantly. Also, its the home of the short game. If you are consistant and confident with your ball striking from 120 and in, you can shave serious strokes.

    What I honestly recommend is checking out the new off-course safe ball endorsed by Dave Pelz. It's called the almostGolf ball. It has CO2 pressure inside and it allowed me to practice every day in my yard, and then in the park. And being able to hit a bucket worht of shots with your wedge to 8 irons by just walking out your back door changed everything. It's a real advantage. I went from a +18, who would stand over a shot hoping I could hit a consistant shot, to actually seeing the shot I wanted to hit and executing. I also went from a hand full of par opportunities to a hand full of birdie looks in just a few months. The hope factory left my game.

    I also recommend any of the Dave Pelz books. The more you can groove your swing conveniently, (15-30 minutes a day) the lower your scores will become. It's really simple stuff most people don't even know exists at this point. Check out what Pelz says on the almostgolf website in the testimonials. He's really right on.

    good luck.

  6. Well one way to stop it would be for you to shoot a lower score than them.  But maybe what you are getting at is that their handicaps are artificially high?  You need a handicap chairman and committee to review the situation and perhaps lower their handicaps so play is more even among different skill levels.

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