
At my local park we have DOUBLE rims.....?

by  |  earlier

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let say i go to another park that has only one rim will i be able to shoot better




  1. If you're a good shooter it doesn't matter.

  2. to me double rims are harder to play on in my home town we have a few parks that have double rims and we tried playing on them and they suck they are really bouncy when you try to make a shot, so yeah if you go to one that has just one you will be able to make more shots!!!!!!!

  3. Double rims give harder bounces on the ball. This means that the ball will bounce higher off the rim, and so it is more difficult to get rim-ins and roll-ins. They're usually used in outdoor courts where most people use rubber balls.

    Single rims give softer bounces. This means it's easier to for the ball to roll-in or rim-in because they don't bounce as high. Single rims are also more shock absorbent so that it doesn't hurt to dunk on them.

    For training purposes, you should use double rims as they require near perfect shots (shots that go through the net and not bounce in). This will hone your shooting ability. But your accuracy will be better on a single rim.

    So to answer your question, you will make more shots at another park with a single rim. But you won't be shooting better, it's just the hoop is helping you make more shots.

  4. I like practicing on double rims cuz when I play on singles it seems like it's easier for me to shoot since the rims are less bouncy.

  5. probably because with double rim the ball bounces more and will probablys bounce out more and with single rim u will shoot better because ball won't bounce more and won't jump out as much

  6. the double rims SUCK our coach makes us practice on them but it helps cuz wen u play on single rims the shots less bouncier and itz easier 2 shoot

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