
At my school we are learning about global warming and now i can't think nothing but it what can i do??

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At my school we are learning about global warming and now i can't think nothing but it what can i do??




  1. The AGW scare is really about government furthring control over the people with fear tactics.

    It is called indoctrination and they start them very young these days. An example of youth indoctrination was n**i Germany's hitler youth.

    They were indoctrinated to turn in their parents if the parents disagreed with the state or did something the state deemed undesirable.

    We will be fine. The real threat is an unchecked and unbalanced big government.

  2. well you can learn more about it, even if some people don't agree our life's resources are  being demolished, species are getting killed off. i know there are people would could care less but at the rate we are going with destroying everything, global warming could be very real!

    but anyways i'm sure you could start by helping out in your community. ask your parents for ideas too.

  3. You can see the bias against global warming in the answers of people who have decided what is true and not true without a shred of credibility other than to denounce anyone who disagrees with them, even when the answer(s) you are receiving from people who are concerned about the environment are well-balanced.  As you have doubtless just learned, they'll even stoop to insulting you personally just for ASKING the question.  That's pretty low.

    You needn't fear the unknown or take the doomsday scenarious to heart, the research is progressing and the possibilities being suggested are only that-possibilities if warming accelerates, we don't even know how much affect mankind's activities have on warming.

    Nonetheless, as others have suggested, you can play an important part in safeguarding our environment by practicing habits that will conserve resources, as that will become ever more important in your lifetime.

  4. Ignore it----  I agree --- look we cannot prevent the Mississippi River from flooding, but GW advocates expect us to alter the Earth's temperature.

    No reasonable action by the world's population can alter the CO2 concentration enough to lower temperature. Even the advocates say that a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions would generate only a very very small temperature decrease. The cost is estimated to be about 50 TRILLION dollars which would plunge the world's economies into full DEPRESSION.

    This issue is all about MONEY --- and how to cut yourself in to the government TAX bucks..... or carbon credits.

    Edit-- to those of you that voted me down--- what exactly is your plan to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 80%-- which is number we need to reach to have a substantial effect on the temperature without bankrupting the planet????

  5. Well, first of all, nobody really knows for sure what is going to happen and when.  There are people who will tell you that they KNOW mankind is responsible for global warming and others that they KNOW global warming is not occurring, it's a hoax or a scam.   They don't really know.

    Second, nobody knows if we have decades to adapt or maybe many more years than that, but it is not going to destroy the human race in my lifetime or yours, and it is not going to happen all at once like in the movies and on TV, that's just entertainment.

    Third, we DO have a lot of people to feed on this old planet, and we use lots of energy, but there are many things that are being done and more to come that will help, from alternative energy sources to better ways of growing food.  I wish you could see the view from my back yard, as far as you can see there are wind turbines now, built in just a few years, producing enough electricity to power thousands and thousands of homes, and there are more to come along with advances in solar power, and they will get better at making fuel for our cars from stuff like biomass and algae and all sorts of things.

    Each generation will have a role to play, and yours is probably the most important because you can build habits that will help the environment.  It may not seem important to you as just one person to recycle, or turn off the lights when you don't need them, or avoid wasting things and throwing them away, but when all of us are more careful with what we use and consume it will help preserve nature.  Even more importantly, when older people and other folks see you taking care of the environment-even maybe just by picking up a can that someone left laying on the ground-it will help to make them feel as if they can and should be better 'stewards of the land' too, and perhaps encourage them to change their habits.

    So it is good for you to learn about global warming and so on, but you needn't be fearful or worry about it all the time.  You'll have a chance all through your lifetime to make a difference by caring for our environment regardless of what happens with global warming.

  6. Now that the issue is on your radar, keep learning about what's going on.  Watch the media, see what stories emerge and how they're covered.  If you are allowed to do so, surf the Internet -- I'll provide what I think are some credible links below -- and empower yourself by learning more, particularly about solutions, sustainability, and what you can do on a personal level and within your community.

    It's not the 'doom and gloom' scenario some make it out to be, at least, not yet.  We have a chance as a society to veer away from doing 'business as usual' and clean up our act.  How we do that now will affect your life and those of future generations.

    You could also begin to think about a career in one of the related fields.  Then you'd really be a part of the solution!

  7. Man-made global warming has been postponed due to an uncooperative Sun.  Never forget which political party has pushed this fear upon you.  Vote accordingly.  Never let them forget what happens when they intentionally scare kids.  In the meantime, relax and understand we're all going to be fine.  Here's an old tune that will help you deal with your fear-mongering teachers:

  8. That guy named keys up there first on your answer list should get the best answer. Take what he said to heart. You are the future young one. the clean future.

  9. Ignore it. Its all hype with the intent to exercise more control over people's lives and to make people like Al Gore wealthy. Back in the 1970's it was "global cooling" that was going to do us in.

    Look at the example Al Gore sets. Last year he used enough electricity - 213,210 kilowatt hours - to power 232 average households for a month. Obviously, reducing one's carbon footprint doesn't apply to the illustrious "Guru of Global Warming" does it?

    The Earth goes through periods of warming and cooling because it is tilted on its axis and its orbit around the sun is not perfect. It isn't circular but elliptical. Also, sunspots can affect our climate.

    Your teacher should be telling you and your classmates to stop buying bottled water since in 2006 (latest statistics I found) approximately 50 million barels of oil were used in the production and transportation of bottled water and 3 times as much water was used as is contained in the bottle. 50 million barrels of oil would power 3 million vehicles for a year.

    Your teacher should also be teaching that using corn for ethanol is a crime against humanity. The amount of corn required to produce the ethanol to fill the average car's gas tank would feed a person for a year. Ask your teacher about the food riots in Mexico and other poor countries. Ask your teacher about the increased cost of beef, pork and poultry - all caused by higher corn prices. Also, since a gallon of ethanol contains approximately 67% as much energy as a gallon of gasoline, more is required to do the same work. Not a very efficient use of resources. It actually requires almost as much energy to produce ethanol as the energy produced by ethanol. If there were no government subsidies there would be no ethanol industry.

    I suggest reading these books, all by Thomas Sowell.

    "Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide To the Economy". Don't worry, there are no charts and graphs or economics jargon, just a plain explanation of economics.

    "The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation As A Basis For Social Policy"

    "Economic Myths and Fallacies"

    Remember, a mind is like a parachute - it only works when open.

  10. Don't fret. Mankind did not cause global warming and has no control over the weather. It's just propaganda- ignore it or learn why it's such a flawed concept.

    Just stay in school and work on your grammar.

  11. That's wonderful.

    They are now teaching you religious fairly tales when you can not even form a complete sentence.

    then we wonder why our nation is crumbling.

  12. hey

    well i was learning about global warming in my school also

    i find that it was such a huge issue that i had to let my surroundings get informed of it so i wrote an please take the time to read my article thanks you will be given many ideas by reading this article

  13. Learn to use everyday things that are environmental-friendly like 100 percent cotton bags, use only your own bags for shopping and avoid using a lot of paper and plastic. These will help reduce energy consumption and thus reduce the effects of global warming.

  14. Sorry you asked here and got a bunch of rubbish answers apart from the first one.

    Typically people find it hard to believe in something they have not grown up understanding.

    You need to relax, understand that panicking won't help and that living your life in a clean way is your best approach.

  15. Ask your teacher if the sum of all feedbacks are positive or if they are negative?

    From the IPCC equations going from 285-385 ppm is about .43 deg C, We know natural up until 1940's range was .25 deg C.  = .68 deg C.  This would equal a positive .2 deg C feedback.  We have seen about a .7 deg C rise.  Assume if the natural increase has increased since 1940 .1 degree C.  You get .35 deg C is natural and .43 deg C  is .78 degree C.  The feedback system could be a negative .8 degree C.  We still can not answer what the feedback is, and with a negative or zero feedback the temp will change .5 deg C or less from today by 2100.  The alarm is how they handle the feedback.  (note the feedbacks are mainly only related to temperature and not Carbon.

  16. Good. It's a serious issue.

    If you're living with your parents (as a minor.) Try bringing up some points.

    If you're on your own, there's some here you can look at.

    More energy efficient appliances.

    Energy efficient lightbulbs!

    Get involved around the city with related stuff. IE Recycling, repair, etc.

    Watch your resource consumption (Electricity, water, food, waste, etc.)

    unplug stuff when you're not using it. A true fact is a lot of electronics (such as radios and computers) use more energy sitting idle than the do playing music or say... casually surfing the net. Why? Dunno, but thats them facts!

    Turn stuff off when you're not using it! Lights, TV, Heat/Air conditioner.

    Run the Heater and Air conditioner as low as you can while keeping it comfortable.

    Get your home weather proof and energy efficient by caulking window seals, patching cracks, blocking heat/air escape points and so on.

    There's a list somewhere online.. think it's or something...

  17. If you want to know what you can do, I have an answer for you.  You can stop letting them scare you.  Global Warming has never been proved to be true.  In the meantime, you have to realize that you are just a child and nothing you can do will make a whole lot of difference, regardless.

  18. buy thousands of dollars on carbon credits

  19. The problem is, you are learning about a natural cycle of the Earth but are being indoctrinated to feel guilty about being human, and are being primed to be fearful about turning on a light switch or traveling by car.  Global warming as a natural cycle has been turned political and you are being trained so that when Uncle Al and the United Nations decides it's time to pay carbon offsets and other made up guilt taxes, everything will be good.  It won't solve the non-problem of global warming, but you're supposed to feel good, knowing you are "supporting" a cause.

    I read what "carbon taxes" are.  I think an out-of-work lawyer wrote it because it's so full of BS it doesn't make any sense, it's just an avalanche of words designed to confuse someone who wants to "do his or her part" and impress and guilt them into paying up.  "Wow, this must really be important!  I'll give up some of my paycheck right now."

  20. My first suggestion is to concentrate on English and grammar.

    You will live a long and much more productive life if you learn how to present yourself rather than helping a made up political cause...

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