My 10 year old is a good kid, good student, all around liked child. But at home he is constantly the target of our (the parents) nagging. I try the nice way, I try the loud way, I try talking and reasoning...The boy leaves a trail everywhere. Within 15 minutes, he'll leave a granola bar wrapper on the counter, his shoes in the middle of the floor, juice on the counter, his game on the couch, etc. Literally. We have talked and pleaded, and punished, and rewarded. The other thing, which is also caused by his inability to focus, is that he can't do one task without getting distracted on the way by 5 others. When he's told to take a shower, he spends the first 20 min. in the bathroom playing with his hair, drawing in the steam on the mirror, etc. He doesn't have ADD. But this seems to just be the "way he is". Is there a point at which you stop picking him and say, "that's just him and he can't change ?" He always feels targeted but I can't pick up after him every minute, etc.