
At night i cant .............?

by  |  earlier

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at night i seriously cant sleep! I just go in my bed and i literally lie there for like 3 hours just thinking ...and i really cant help me thinking at all!! i cant go on medicine cause im only 13!!! and i dont want to...wat can i do? ive already drank warm milk...wat else can i do? please help me....and school starts tommarow for me so please help : (




  1. its normal not to be able to sleep before an exciting day!

    i bet everyone has experienced this, i certainly couldnt sleep the day before school started, there was way to much on my mind!

    my suggestion, try to be more active so your acutally tired when your trying to fall asleep. try to think about other less exciting things, and mention this to your parents if its an everyday thing, you should be getting plenty of rest at your age

  2. TRY not to think about anything, its freaking hard, i know, but that reeeaaallyy helps, ALOT!

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