
At night sometimes i just really cant get to sleep!?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes i cant get to sleep even when i feel tired. is there any ways to make u feel sleepie or get me to sleep.





  1. You don't say how old you are.  pre-menopausal and menopausal women sometimes have insomnia.  Stress, eating habits, grief, and certain medical conditions can affect your sleep.  I would suggest that you see your doctor and explain all symptoms.  Good luck!  

  2. Yes, teebee1313 is right, you need to turn off that mind at night since thinking about stuff that happened during your day or that will happen to you the next day keeps you awake!  

  3. well i cant sleep unless i start thinking...u know daydreaming but wit my eyes closed...i guess it helps tire my mind so i fall asleep

  4. Reading

  5. stay up all night your body is telling you something, it is telling you to get up

  6. Natural: Melatonin

    Man-Made: Simply Sleep

  7. Take a warm bath using lavender bath salts or bubble bath to relax you.

    Also, do not any any activity such as cleaning before bedtime that will overstimulate your brain so you can relax and fall asleep.

    I read when I am having trouble and it helps me.

    Good luck.

  8. first of all you should watch what you are eating, like no chocolate, coffee, energy drinks and such

    like one hour before you go to bed don't use your computer or watch tv, nothing that stimulates your mind

    take a hot shower before going to bed, or a bubble bath

    and even if you can't sleep, wake up early the next day... keep trying this until it works

    good luck

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