
At room temperature, how long would it take a pint sized glass of water to become undrinkable?

by Guest56258  |  earlier

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At room temperature, how long would it take a pint sized glass of water to become undrinkable?




  1. Undrinkable as in contaminated?  Well with just dust I guess it depends on how thirsty you are.  There isn't much in the air you breath that is going to poison your water.

  2. I used to keep a glass of water on the table all the time so it often sat over night or 12 hours and was just fine.  I quit when the cat started pulling it over.

  3. Room temperature is a bit too vague.

    In the tropics, it is likely to become undrinkable faster that in temperate regions.

    Most people have a glass of water by their bedside overnight. AND is is often covered (like a carafe of wine).

    So It is fairly safe to assume that 6 - 10 hours will be a safe margin. After this, most of the dissolves gasses will have dissipated and the water will taste "stale".

    Their is also the risk of airborne contamination, which is a VERY variable problem!!!!

  4. it would probably take close to a week maybe, but it will not be contaminated it will be stale and that open it up to bacteria to grow and harm but not kill you.

  5. It really depends upon a few factors:

    - What impurities are in the water that bacteria could use as food.

    - What bacteria are in the air that contacts the water.

    A common pint of tap water from a typical Western country (the only ones I have much experience with) would, in all likelihood, evaporate before it became unhealthy to drink.

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