
At school if people are bulling me to bye them icecream what do i do to stop them?

by  |  earlier

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i am getung bulled becuase i will not bye people icecream and oi do not like it can you help me figer out what to do




  1. Well, I am 13 and I personally would kick them or something. But first I would tell my parents. They can talk to the school and helpy ou out. If you do that I will gaurentee this will stop!

    Good luck!

  2. Walk away, tell an adult, don't hang around with these people

  3. right as they are about to ask you for money.... you start to ask them for money.

  4. You buy them CRAPPY Ice cream.

  5. tell a consleur,teacher,or a person at might feel like a tattle-tale but your not being one.tell on them by tuesday.get thosew losers in some serious trouble

  6. tell them that you dont have any money

  7. Tell them that you wish they need to get off their lazy but and get a job so that they can afford  ice cream, and that there wont always be someone in life that will buy you things every day.

  8. Tell an adult, ignore them, and/or just say no.

    Anyway how are they bullying you? Are they hitting you? What exactly are they doing?

  9. buy it.. as you hand it to them, drop it and laugh =)


  10. buy them n ice crem n thro it in there face no am kidding say no n if they do any thing to u then report them to ur parents ,teachers,police sort them bullies out dnt be a push over

  11. say i will buy you an icecream if you buy me a bike

  12. Tell them no, you don't want to buy them ice cream and be firm. They won't go away until you do. You don't need to buy them anything, they don't deserve it!

    Also check over your spelling before you post something!

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