
At school my panties feel so wet, I thought I started my period! Then I check and its just discharge.?

by  |  earlier

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IIm almost 14 and Ive been getting my period since i was 12.5. I ot pretty regular after a year, then started coming every 17 recently! Now this? according to my new 17 day cycle, I should start today, but I dont have any of my signs. wtf?




  1. Your menstrual cycle isn't always regular.  It can be affected by diet, stress, exercise, etc.

    Perhaps you've had a change in your routine?

  2. Stress can affect your cycle, as can spending a great deal of time around another particular female- you may find that your cycles sync up.

    As long as you're not sexually active or starving yourself, it will come eventually. (A girl can loose her period if she's extremely underweight, and obviously, if you've had unprotected s*x, you're at risk for pregnancy.)

  3. talk to your mom or gramma or whatever mother figure you have to schedule a doctors appointment for you  

  4. That discharge could have been a mucous plug.  It's release may signal the start of your period in 24-48 hours.


  5. Maybe you are starting to go on the average 28 day cycle.  Don't worry :]

    But if you've had s*x recently (no protection) and don't get it within 28 days, get a pregnancy test.

  6. may be you are pregnant!!!!!!!!!  

  7. Don't sweat it. Even people who have had regular periods for years have their periods a day or two late. I know personally, I tend to start my cycle when I sleep, so maybe you'll be starting tonight.  

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