
At sixth form do you have to go to school every day?

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I'm going to be doing a-levels.




  1. I had to go to school every day during Term time, (8.45 a.m. - 3.45 p.m.) although we were allowed some study days at home shortly before sitting our A-Levels.

    We were allowed 2 weeks extra holiday (conditional upon the school time-table) if our parents were forced by their employers to take annual leave outside of the normal school holidays.

    When you get to Uni, for most Arts courses you will have a reduced attendance week, but you will have Course work to do instead.

  2. Yes. Every weekday anyway.

    You'll most likely get some free periods though where you should technically be studying, but in reality usually means lazing around a common room or hanging out with friends.

  3. at  mine you're only allowed to be absent for 4 days in the whole year, but this doesn't include medical appointments or official exams

  4. Yeah, well in theory your meant to well not weekends obv

    But its not like school they dont keep a strict record of whos there or not. Mine has a signing in and out list. But no one really tends to sign in and out much!!! I usually just turn up to my lessons and either go home or go to the common room in my frees as you dont have lessons all day. If you going home you dont have to tell anyone same if your ill you dont need to get permission to leave you just leave. However dont take my word for all this all sixth forms are different this is just what happened in mine. your be told when you go, usually the teachers will be like you must be here at all times even early if you have no lessons then, but this will last for like a week and then people will do as they please

    Good luck

  5. yes everyday. 7 days aweek. you never get a break and then ou have to clean the school aswell.

  6. Yes.

  7. it depends on your timetable, some people have days off

  8. im gonna be doin my a=levels too.....nd i've been told its like normal school.....everyday u'll hav lessons....but some days u might finish early nd u'll hav free lessons......but u'll know wen u get your timetable.....


  9. at mine you have to go in every day but there are lots of free periods there so you can come in late or go home early.

  10. Yes you do have to go everyday, just like secondary school. You may have 'free time' timetabled in, so your lessons might not be one after the other all the time. You're supposed to do coursework, extra study etc during 'free time'.  

    We used to go to the local cafe for a cuppa and a f*g instead ;)

  11. If it is a sixth form at a school then everyday but if you got to a college to do A- levels then you get  one whole day off and about two half days.

  12. At my son's school you have to go in every day but in the second year 6th you are allowed to stay at home during a few free lessons and also you get time off before exams for study leave.  

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